Fumny pranks you can actually get away with in 2022


Telling indian scam callers you hope they get gang raped or that Pakistan nukes them depending on the gender. I also enjoy getting them on the line and then screaming "AHHHH!" into the receiver as loud as I can to try to give them hearing damage.
I always ask them the following questions.

1. Why are you so unattractive?
2. Why do you need to arrange marriages in order to have a wife?
3. Do you poo in a toilet?
4. When Pakistan nukes you, will you still attempt to rape a child before the fall out?

The nuke comments usually get them all riled up, so I make sure to mention how funny it would for him to find his mom in the rubble, with her underwear down to her ankles, and a torn vagina from being raped BY the explosion.
Put shit on craigslist with other people's info, maybe insinuate you kidnap people and grind them into pepperoni.

Abuse https://tellyourpartner.org/

Send trannie escorts to people's houses

Fatrick murdered Bernell trammell in broad daylight because 50% of murders go unsolved. In a place like Milwaukee people get murdered so often they don't have enough time to investigate.

Hypothetically, a few days ago you could've planned to egg Susan but the pig parked it in front of the house out of fear because you texted him that you would do it. So when you arrive all you see are the shitty bikes, but you egg it anyway because you hate pig. Now clean it up!
That STD tell your partner text site is gold. I’m sure Brother Joe would appreciate knowing I gave him Monkey Pox and AIDS.


When I take my kid to the library, I started noticing all these overtly political brainwashing books (commie leftist horseshit of course) aimed at little kids. Really, toddlers need to know who Ruth Bader Ginsburg is? Never mind Clifford and Snoopy, teach the kids about some bat faced goblin that would've wanted to either abort them or make it legal for the Weimers of the world to diddle them. I started throwing them behind the shelves or hiding them on top where no one will see. Faggots.

Another classic variation is going to Barnes and Noble and putting books like Elie Wiesel's Night in the comedy or science fiction section.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
One I always did was taking a screenshot of someone's desktop and setting the desktop to that photo. Hide the shortcuts in a new folder and enjoy the hilarity!
I would tap control down arrow and turn the screen upside down. We laughed and laughed


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Sign people up for the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness to stop by. Also put people on Scientology mailing lists.

Once the Jehovah’s start showing up they won’t give up. I had them ring my doorbell once on Super Bowl Sunday.

Magazine subscriptions is another easy one. They still have those postage paid insert cards.
It'd be a shame if Rick got a subscription to Honcho magazine