Fucking hilarious flashback from April of 2019, when Pat thought he finally had us.



Most of what he said and continues to say are just empty threats. Wait quietly for the knock. Time runs low. Quasi is lying to you. Active criminal investigation. It will cost you everything, atalker.

When I saw that measly pigevidence file on Apostlegate and downloaded it, I expected to see hundreds, if not thousands of texts, printed out voicemails, links, etc. It was, much like I imagine his dick, very unimpressive. It honestly looked like he thought he was just going to file a lawsuit as a further empty threat to try and scare the rascals into stopping. Then when he actually had to do something, he haphazardly just threw some shit in there. When that didn't seem to be enough, he did the fake vandalism and the YoullNeverGetMe1488 email, both of which were obviously fake. Oh yeah, and the obvious fake forum posts that never made it out of the approval forum.

It's just like his novels. Torque I know you're reading this so take this advice. If you're going to go through with this stupid Tiny Tim novel then please put some actual thought and effort into it. Your books read like you sit in Hooligans with the laptop open but you're actually on Twitter and drinking beer. After 2 or 3 (because you're a lightweight), you get that buzz going and your pig brain has some idea that you think is funny/interesting and that's what you end up using. It's why all of your books are fucking disjointed and don't flow nicely. If you insist on putting a sex scene in, get a woman (not Niki for obvs reasons) to help you with it. Don't stuff it with stupid pop culture references and memes. Have a compelling story.

Why do I bother. He hasn't listened to anyone in 42 years, he's not gonna start now. He's fat, too.


Most of what he said and continues to say are just empty threats. Wait quietly for the knock. Time runs low. Quasi is lying to you. Active criminal investigation. It will cost you everything, atalker.

When I saw that measly pigevidence file on Apostlegate and downloaded it, I expected to see hundreds, if not thousands of texts, printed out voicemails, links, etc. It was, much like I imagine his dick, very unimpressive. It honestly looked like he thought he was just going to file a lawsuit as a further empty threat to try and scare the rascals into stopping. Then when he actually had to do something, he haphazardly just threw some shit in there. When that didn't seem to be enough, he did the fake vandalism and the YoullNeverGetMe1488 email, both of which were obviously fake. Oh yeah, and the obvious fake forum posts that never made it out of the approval forum.

It's just like his novels. Torque I know you're reading this so take this advice. If you're going to go through with this stupid Tiny Tim novel then please put some actual thought and effort into it. Your books read like you sit in Hooligans with the laptop open but you're actually on Twitter and drinking beer. After 2 or 3 (because you're a lightweight), you get that buzz going and your pig brain has some idea that you think is funny/interesting and that's what you end up using. It's why all of your books are fucking disjointed and don't flow nicely. If you insist on putting a sex scene in, get a woman (not Niki for obvs reasons) to help you with it. Don't stuff it with stupid pop culture references and memes. Have a compelling story.

Why do I bother. He hasn't listened to anyone in 42 years, he's not gonna start now. He's fat, too.
Oh you're finished? Well allow me to retort...


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Most of what he said and continues to say are just empty threats. Wait quietly for the knock. Time runs low. Quasi is lying to you. Active criminal investigation. It will cost you everything, atalker.

That's all he does, make threats. He's not a special or unique boy at all: he's just a basic ass fearmonger. Forget the shit he says to us, his "enemies", look at what he does to his "friends". Manipulates them into being afraid by exaggerating how evil and sadistic the GOP is. THEY'RE COMING TO RAPE YOU AND MAKE YOU CARRY THE RAPE BABY TO TERM! THEY'RE LITERALLY BUILDING CONCENTRATION CAMPS TO SEND ALL NON-WHITES! A ROVING GANG OF PROUD BOYS LED BY KYLE RITTENHOUSE IS RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR YOU HAVE MERE SECONDS!

His entire life is built around two things: scaring others and validating his ego. 3-4 years now and not a single day where he's tried to spread positivity. Homeboy goes on vacation to Hawaii and still has to be a nasty cunt, taking time out of his vacation to travel to the Trump hotel and flip it off.


His entire life is built around two things: scaring others and validating his ego. 3-4 years now and not a single day where he's tried to spread positivity. Homeboy goes on vacation to Hawaii and still has to be a nasty cunt, taking time out of his vacation to travel to the Trump hotel and flip it off.
In the interests of historical accuracy, that was not the trump hotel, that was the Rosa Parks memorial he posed with.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
In the interests of historical accuracy, that was not the trump hotel, that was the Rosa Parks memorial he posed with.

Nah for real though, I wanna know what Niki was thinking in that moment. You're in Honolulu, perfect weather, water blue as a sapphire. Sitting in a car, driving by other couples making their way to the beach, unconcerned with anything except getting a tan. Maybe spot a few prettier-than-you women in skimpy bathing suits, having their boyfriends snap pictures for their social media. Imagine that, the woman of the relationship being the one who cares about how many followers she has, the man behind the cameraphone.

Then she remembers the first item on the travel itinerary. Number goddamn one on the list of things to do in paradise: drive to a hotel so your fat angry husband can flip it off, and post it on twitter. You're used to giving in to his narcissistic demands, so you hope it'll be a quick stop and maybe he'll be in a better mood (he won't). Everything is about stealthygeek, nothing in the world matters except your husband's twitter where he calls people child all day.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Nah for real though, I wanna know what Niki was thinking in that moment. You're in Honolulu, perfect weather, water blue as a sapphire. Sitting in a car, driving by other couples making their way to the beach, unconcerned with anything except getting a tan. Maybe spot a few prettier-than-you women in skimpy bathing suits, having their boyfriends snap pictures for their social media. Imagine that, the woman of the relationship being the one who cares about how many followers she has, the man behind the cameraphone.

Then she remembers the first item on the travel itinerary. Number goddamn one on the list of things to do in paradise: drive to a hotel so your fat angry husband can flip it off, and post it on twitter. You're used to giving in to his narcissistic demands, so you hope it'll be a quick stop and maybe he'll be in a better mood (he won't). Everything is about stealthygeek, nothing in the world matters except your husband's twitter where he calls people child all day.
Remember you're talking about some dumb cunt who held up a Black TRANS Lives Matter sign made of ripped cardboard and Sharpie pen so light it may as well have been a ballpoint. She's a retard.


And now he just gets fucked with endlessly by probably hundreds of people across multiple websites.
It’s called the streisand effect, pat.

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