Fuckin drunk at work


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
The amounts of liquor I used to go through during recording sessions in the early 2000's could've filled a small swimming hole.

I don't drink like that anymore - I'm a Scot but I'm not stupid - and I look back on those times wondering how my liver still functions.

You call your white co-workers the N word? My bandmates don't even let me do that.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
Reminds me of a guy I used to work with. Before I started with this particular company, he had a thing for getting fucked up on weeknights and coming to work the next day hungover or still slightly hammered from the night before. In case it matters, he was from Bolivia and of 100% indigenous descent, and those types can't handle their liquor for shit. Anyway, things came to a head when he failed to show up for work one day. He finally called in late morning to say that he had just woken up in a field in Fairfax County, VA (our office is in downtown DC), presumably after a night of heavy drinking.

After this incident, our CEO got involved. He made this guy sign a contract basically saying that he could get terminated if he ever showed up to work hungover again. He also connected him with some 12-step programs. Unfortunately, most people eventually fall off the wagon. After about a year or so, me and a few co-workers were at a happy hour, and somebody shared a Facebook post from that guy featuring some half-empty pints at a different location with the title "party don't stop." Needless to say, his employment with the company ended the next day.
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