Fuck! They Kiked my Chips!

Sue Lightning

GMOs are not as bad as people think they are.

Technically everything is a GMO and has been for like 2000 years. I’m not a farmer so I can’t really explain what I mean but the simple act of naturally changing a plants genetic makeup has existed forever. GMO doesn’t necessitate pumping artificial pesticides into it. A good example would be artificial breeding for potency especially with any plants that double as drugs like poppy or hemp.


Technically everything is a GMO and has been for like 2000 years. I’m not a farmer so I can’t really explain what I mean but the simple act of naturally changing a plants genetic makeup has existed forever. GMO doesn’t necessitate pumping artificial pesticides into it. A good example would be artificial breeding for potency especially with any plants that double as drugs like poppy or hemp.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
They pay a rabbi to come out and (((inspect))) the plants to keep the kosher rating. During (((covid))) it was obvious how much of a scam it was because they did the monthly tour via teams meetings.
If I remember right they also have a Muslim come out for a halal inspection.