"fuck my with family, harass them in real life I don't care. Just don't make posts I don't like on my website"


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
He's such a fucking idiot. Everything he says about us is always fucking wrong. How are the fuck are we like the deranged tranny mob exactly? Why does he feel the need to keep injecting himself into that thread anyway? If something illegal is posted there, then just delete it and ban the user.

This cunt is so annoying.


He's correct

Your the worst "people " on the internet

Pat yourselfs on the butt


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
This all started because he was wrong about whatever he was freaking out about. Didn't know the context and didn't care.

Now he won't shut up. Now he's on the path of making me obligated to fuck with him. Transexuals are uncreative null, just shut the fuck up already


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Notice how this dickhead never complained about all the daily texts to pig that were posted in that thread; or the swatting audio; or A Christmas Carnage; or any of the other funny shit we've brought to that thread.

But for some reason, he's super sensitive about anything involving the SFWA. It's fucking weird. Asshole, they already threw $100K at the pigman to let him pursue a lawsuit that accomplished literally nothing. You run a trolling website ffs. Stop worrying about them like a fucking woman.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
Notice how this dickhead never complained about all the daily texts to pig that were posted in that thread; or the swatting audio; or A Christmas Carnage; or any of the other funny shit we've brought to that thread.

But for some reason, he's super sensitive about anything involving the SFWA. It's fucking weird. Asshole, they already threw $100K at the pigman to let him pursue a lawsuit that accomplished literally nothing. You run a trolling website ffs. Stop worrying about them like a fucking woman.
File 770 is where some of the sfwa members were having discussions to pay the ongoing legal fees of pedophile ed Kramer. It's very odd that this is the thing that's so out of bounds to call names


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff
I haven't been to kiwi in weeks but oh man they are HEATED

You expect people from that forum to understand such things? They got thrown off of Reddit and they're hated everywhere they go. If I recall right Null was going to host them but then thought better of it. They're on par with every other disruptive community that this site locked down prematurely so they wouldn't infest it like the cockroaches they are. Sad thing is no one knows who the fuck they are because they troll a few people yet consider themselves a huge deal. Would anyone here know about OnA if it wasn't for them coming here to talk about Patrick and post the same stupid trolling attempts? How many pages do we have of their bullshit, alogging, and trolling? I bet we wouldn't even have gotten past page 200 because on his own Patrick cannot produce a lot of content outside reacting to his trolls. He's practically a higher functioning version of Chris-Chan and OnA is a shitter version of idea guys.

I unironically think Null should just empower the jannies to ban anyone from that retard forum and instruct them to be as ridiculously overzealous as possible in doing it. I'm talking fullblown thinskinned soyjack resetera-level sanitisation, delete on sight anyone who even puts out a hint of enjoying or defending what those unfunny faggots do, and make all of our loyal kiwis preface every single post in this thread with a denunciation of gay ops and disavow Opie and Anthony like we're in North Korea, as fair penance for enjoying this shitty fat lolcow in the first place.

Jesus Christ fellas, it's the internet. Post a silly picture of a cat and lighten up.


I haven't been to kiwi in weeks but oh man they are HEATED

Jesus Christ fellas, it's the internet. Post a silly picture of a cat and lighten up.
It's an overused trope, but are these guys really unemployed incels in their parents basements? Talk about taking shit serious. In the pre-internet days guys who were well read, had almanacs and encyclopedias, did hands on shit, knew real stuff could talk about things extemporaneously were a 1 in 20 find at best. Today thanks to wikistupidia and the goggle 18 out of 20 people claim to be experts in whatever subject that is mentioned. The availability and spread of knowledge didn't make us smarter it has made us louder idiots.

Sue Lightning

This faggot is actually saying he cares more about his retarded tranny hate site than the well being of his family. Delusional.

Also, KF posters have a weird complex about what their site is. They can’t accept it’s just a literal hate forum so they have to masquerade as freedom fighters or some shit. This forum is a hate site that tries to be funny. I don’t think any of us genuinely believe we’re protecting children in some noble act or something, it’s just fun.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
You expect people from that forum to understand such things? They got thrown off of Reddit and they're hated everywhere they go.

That's funny, I seem to recall most of the kiwis in that thread thoroughly washing our balls and calling us "the funniest people on the internet" when A Christmas Carnage dropped. Same with Apostlegate and all the other "a-logging" that's apparently not allowed there but Null completely ignored for years.

Also why would getting thrown off Reddit be anything other than a badge of honor these days?