Fuck @JebJoh and the clique he claims


Ribbed for your pleasure
EraGodless is a solid dude. He's the third confirmed black after Kuhn & Kamala and lost a finger in a church accident.
Yeah I might have been hasty to include him, word is bond and peace upon all the gods upon earth

Era gets a full, sincere apology. @JebJoh gets a future divorcee studio apartment and a degeneration X crotch chop.


Ribbed for your pleasure
I ran out of drugs and get cunty when I withdraw mostly.. but @JebJoh and Buck NoLand know why.


Ribbed for your pleasure
Going to dab myself to sleep, peace be to everybody but @JebJoh

That shit's on for life.

Enclosed is a picture of his wife and yes that is a clit, it's not like most but shes still his special lady and I won't be nasty and involve his famiglia.


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