"Friends" is just "Seinfeld" for chicks.


May St. Mel bless you
There was an episode where Chandler and Ross are literally afraid to leave the apartment because some guy wants to fight them. It was ahead of its time in terms of faggotry

New York City really does set the tone for masculinity. The whole straight men acting like gay men started in NYC a decade before the rest of the country. Sex and the City had an episode about it before the term metrosexual was coined.
I hate how Seinfeld has a certain credibility and respect that shows like Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond doesn't. Some Seinfeld fans act as if the show's above the other two somehow when all three are broad, mainstream comedy shows that work around a similar formula.


I had a girlfriend who was a huge Friends fan, and made her sit through an episode of Seinfeld to show her how much better it was. She laughed but it might've been fake, because she wouldn't watch another one.

I just didn't fucking get it. I think because the characters in Friends are better looking and "harmless".


I had a girlfriend who was a huge Friends fan, and made her sit through an episode of Seinfeld to show her how much better it was. She laughed but it might've been fake, because she wouldn't watch another one.

I just didn't fucking get it. I think because the characters in Friends are better looking and "harmless".
This maybe weird, but I think alot of what made a sitcom someone's favorite or turn them off is the color scheme and 'vibe' of the set. I know I watched these shows for the subconscious "umami" flavor savory satisfying feeling, even if I didn't care much for them:

-Frasier...very rich brown tones and jazzy upscale/sophisticated feel
-Golden Girls...really colorful and pastel and vibrant and 'festive'
Even Home Improvement but by like age 9 i felt I outgrew "Tim the tool man" type humor.

Seinfeld had a grittier, more urban "city-slicker" color scheme...lots of grey, and khaki browns and dull greens and orange.


With Osteoporosis.
Friends a soap opera masquerading as a sitcom.
This maybe weird, but I think alot of what made a sitcom someone's favorite or turn them off is the color scheme and 'vibe' of the set. I know I watched these shows for the subconscious "umami" flavor savory satisfying feeling, even if I didn't care much for them:
The set of Roseanne was good at conveying the depression I felt hanging at lower income friends houses in school.


black suit and a smile
Seinfeld was for watercooler talk at the office. Friends was so you could get your girl to shut her yap for 30 minutes.