Found a hilarious channel: "I hate dogs"

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
I like other people's dogs, unless they're shit bulls. Wouldn't want to own my own unless I lived in the country. I used to work with a cock sucker who would keep his fucking great dane in a cage for 12 hours a day while he worked and then would get pissed when the dog wanted to run around like crazy in his one bedroom apartment.




I like other people's dogs, unless they're shit bulls. Wouldn't want to own my own unless I lived in the country. I used to work with a cock sucker who would keep his fucking great dane in a cage for 12 hours a day while he worked and then would get pissed when the dog wanted to run around like crazy in his one bedroom apartment.

I’m the same, i wish i had the time for a dog.

I think K-Man doesn’t like Rammstein……… he LOVES IT!


I have a face like a shovel
Hey I can finally tell this story because it has a happy ending now.
I asked my coworker what his fav mel gibson movie was and he replied saying he doesn't have one because mel is a racist piece of shit.
That guy got fired the other day and it happened in front of me, and he done an exasperated sigh and stormed out lol. Oopsie doodles.
this is the greatest story ever told