For My Haters

Why cant we all just get along, funsters
I don't know why cows like Pat and Joe don't lean into it just a little and make some money off if. Pat/Joe would make so much money doing streams with TTS donations, and they'd be funny as fuck with people stream sniping them.
Pat not so much...I dont see him being off the cuff funny or having a humorous-aura. But Moo would definitely make a killing from doing IRL with TTS donos. His bookstore debate would have gotten him thousands of dollars if he was livestreaming it.

Why cant we all just get along, funsters
I'd watch every single stream. Fuck how do we convince him to do it?
He would only do it if he saw Nana doing it...and I doubt Nana would ever because you have to give ZERO fucks to the haters. Nana is too thin skinned, and would poo-poo the idea, which means Joe would never even fathom such a possibility.