First they came for the trans

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
How can this mutilation be gender affirming? When a human wants to cut off a body part its a mental illness. These trannies need to be lobotomised. Sounds to me like Fatso just wants to eat a mancunt. Sick fucking faggot.

What well adjusted man is gonna wanna eat this fucking thing?

Flame thrower time..******* creepy ****. | IGN Boards
How is this any different from when Rachel Doleziel said she identified as black? At least with her all it took was some spray tanner and a perm.

This “Gender affirming care” is the stuff of absolute grotesque horror movie human experimentation. It should be outlawed and condemned for being the mutilation it is.
I think even Josef Mengele would be appalled.
How is this any different from when Rachel Doleziel said she identified as black? At least with her all it took was some spray tanner and a perm.

This “Gender affirming care” is the stuff of absolute grotesque horror movie human experimentation. It should be outlawed and condemned for being the mutilation it is.
I think even Josef Mengele would be appalled.
I do want to add I still appreciate Sue Lightning’s service and have no issue with the set of bolt on boobs she swindled out of Tranth.