First they came for the trans





Why do trannies think they're entitled to getting coverage for mutilating their genitals?

I despise Pat's constant tranny simping.


I'm not wearing a wire
Shit like this makes me want to attack every tranny I see just to spite people like Patrick. Like, having the shit shoved in my face all the time isn't normalizing it for me, it's making me angry.

Like if I didn't have people telling me that I need to applaud these useless faggots flaunting their weird fetish publicly, I wouldn't roll my fucking eyes and get annoyed every time I see one. I'd just be like "Oh, a tranny. Weird." And go about my fucking day without giving it a second thought.


Females arent funny
The thing chappelle said about them coming a long way and needing to chill is as poignant as ever. If i took my niece to a strip club (she's five) people would be appalled and I'd likely get charged as some kind of predator. But if I take the same little girl to a drag show and watch grown men in dresses dance sexually suddenly i'm enriching her life?


and her hair smells like red froot loops
If you read the fine print of that "Florida is banning gender affirming care coverage for ADULTS", it's actually just about illegal immigrants. Basically saying we'll take care of you if there's a medical emergency, but you can't raft here from Cuba, show up in a Miami hospital and declare "make me a woman and this stupid country will pay for it!"


Pat knows how troons feel, he badly wants his political identity as a conservative affirmed and subsidized but no one bites.


Ask me about my cock size
Here's what these words mean in the world of people like Pat:

Read this: I can't be bothered to explain my own argument to you because I'm lazy and I also haven't been able to work through it's inherent contradictions.

Educate yourself: Throw yourself into the prevailing agitprop/indoctrination with the rest of us.

Never open your mouth again: Conform.


How many trans people who receive "gender affirming care" still kill themselves or live horribly depressed lives because they regret chopping their cocks/tits off later in life, pig? Care to provide those stats.

God I fucking this cunt with a passion.
Nyehehe you think people who chop their cocks and tits off might regret it and want to kill themselves?