First Many Saints of Newark review is out


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"

It contains minimal criticism of the movie and kinda just glosses over the plot. This part was interesting:


If the twist is what I think it is, Dickie is gonna die in a way that does not match Tony's story in the series. That's what I hope anyway.

Also I know Van Zant obviously wore a wig on the show but I didn't know it was accepted that his character was bald like Ralph.


Dickie was killed the same way Chrissy was, by Tony. Over being a junkie that was a liability. This didn't need a whole fucking movie about it.

It was probably Tony's initiation.

Even though in the show he made his bones with some dude and buried him in a basement, since this is purely self fellating fan fiction shit that will be retconned.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Dickie was killed the same way Chrissy was, by Tony. Over being a junkie that was a liability. This didn't need a whole fucking movie about it.

It was probably Tony's initiation.

Even though in the show he made his bones with some dude and buried him in a basement, since this is purely self fellating fan fiction shit that will be retconned.
I mean given what we've seen so far you have a point with the retconning. But he could've been killed by some moolie in a bad drug deal just as easily.


May St. Mel bless you
The movie begins in the titular city in 1967, where young Tony (William Ludwig) is a dough-faced little hellion who gets suspended from school for running a gambling ring.

Tony was 8 years old in 1967. There was an episode that flashbacked to back then. It's going to be hilarious to see that.


I'll watch this for the laughs only. It's not something I consider part of Sopranos at all.

They're going to fuck with storylines and characters just for gotcha moments regardless of how much sense it makes. I won't be surprised if it turns out that Tony was actually adopted and his father was really Paulie or Hesh.

I actually won't be surprised if Tony's also violent because of repressed homosexual urges and gender-dysphoria. I don't think this will be entirely woke nonsense but it's definitely going to be there. Ay Ton, didja know we share dis common plight of being branded criminals due to our heritage with our oppressed black brothers?


My theory was going to be it was Tony's Dad whacking Dickie for getting his son into that life past the point of no return, but anything is possible. I thought it was all going to be shit, then the trailer looked really good and got me excited. Hopefully the don't shit all over it too much. Pretty safe bet it'll be more watchable than anything that's hit theatres in the last decade. Not saying much at all there though.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Dickie was killed the same way Chrissy was, by Tony. Over being a junkie that was a liability. This didn't need a whole fucking movie about it.

It was probably Tony's initiation.

Even though in the show he made his bones with some dude and buried him in a basement, since this is purely self fellating fan fiction shit that will be retconned.
Almost assuredly the twist is that Dickie is killed either by Johnny Boy Sopranos, Tony, or even Junior. But definitely by the orders of Johnny Soprano. For being a heroin user. This was something that Sopranos fans speculated about for years. It is probably the main plotline of the entire prequel.

I would prefer if Johnny Boy does the hit and never officially tells Tony about it. But deep down inside Tony knows.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Almost assuredly the twist is that Dickie is killed either by Johnny Boy Sopranos, Tony, or even Junior. But definitely by the orders of Johnny Soprano. For being a heroin user. This was something that Sopranos fans speculated about for years. It is probably the main plotline of the entire prequel.

I would prefer if Johnny Boy does the hit and never officially tells Tony about it. But deep down inside Tony knows.
Never heard of that theory but it sounds good. I always figured Tony just looked at Chris like a son because he didn’t want his son to go into it and he knows he couldn’t. Whereas chris and his dad were born for it because they’re morons. So he thought through chris his lineage would remain in the family without his own son getting in. Killing him was because of his paranoia and Chris being a junky fuck combined with Tony’s psychopath obsession with children and animals. Him taking all of that on because he knows his dad killed Chris’ dad is actually a solid ass plot line.


Almost assuredly the twist is that Dickie is killed either by Johnny Boy Sopranos, Tony, or even Junior. But definitely by the orders of Johnny Soprano. For being a heroin user. This was something that Sopranos fans speculated about for years. It is probably the main plotline of the entire prequel.

I would prefer if Johnny Boy does the hit and never officially tells Tony about it. But deep down inside Tony knows.


I think the big twist is going to be that Johnny Boy was actually fucking a young Vito in the ass in the Soprano house on a regular basis. Livia walks in on them and this explains her ruthless bitterness. Tony finds out, but chooses to ignore it and only confides in Dickie.

Worried it will get back to his Dad he let the secret out, Tony kills Dickie. He lies and says he was a heroin user to justify it to the rest of the family but Tony's dad gives him a wink and a nod. This is why he fast tracks Tony for promotion in the mob.