Fence update: Notice he doesn't say WHO did the work?


He conveniently neglected to mention that he's "ready" to put up the panels and call it done. You know he took this picture while the guys were taking a break.

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Five Sink Gangster Cribs
If we paid for his Mexican day laborer crew, he would still call us cyberatalkers. And indeed it is Quasi's money which emburses.

What fucking use is a fence to hide a foot long space between your hovel and a crack den when you don't even go outside and your patio is shit?
These are third world conditions in regards to urban planning. Zero zoning laws like a South African shanty town or Laotian slum.


I am the crispy white spot in your soul
At least it covers the windows so the neighbors don't have to look at his shitty "yard"
I wonder what the neighbours think of them...i mean wasn't it neighbours kids who fucked with the bike or something?

Ive a ton of international stamps doing feck all here... I like writing letters. And everyone should know about pay Quasi...


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
That fence isn't going to keep DeShawn and Malik from next door out, Fat. Not when Niki's inviting them over (after requesting they eat bean burritos the day before.)
And if we gladly paid for the black gentlemen's dinner so Niki can live out her fetishes to the utmost, Fatrick would call us cyberatalkers still.
He neither has humility nor grace.


I am the crispy white spot in your soul
That fence isn't going to keep DeShawn and Malik from next door out, Fat. Not when Niki's inviting them over (after requesting they eat bean burritos the day before.)

This is an official reenactment of the Tomlinson household when Fatrick is in Hooligans.

(please note the quality of the floor, decor and female have been vastly improved in this dramatisation)