Fawkin Marvin is stepping on my bit


Opie Simp
Any bets that Niki wants to change her email and phone number, but Pat won't let her because it'd be "letting the trolls win"?
Or she's just a mouth breathing moron like he is.
Piggy oinked about this a while ago. Said that she can't change either because she runs a business and 'it's not that simple', which is bullshit because Posts by Ghost isn't a real business.

Will Tate

Oven March
He’s saving this as evidence?

Of what? Is this illegal in any way?
Felony hurting of a special important actual tough guy boy's feelings, child. Your commenting on these flaccid forums makes you complicit, and a John Doe on a dead lawsuit retroactively, and you've been added to the federal investigation. Time runs low. To what, who the fuck knows, but my GPA was higher than 2.0, so what do I know?


Where we at with the where we at?
Felony hurting of a special important actual tough guy boy's feelings, child. Your commenting on these flaccid forums makes you complicit, and a John Doe on a dead lawsuit retroactively, and you've been added to the federal investigation. Time runs low. To what, who the fuck knows, but my GPA was higher than 2.0, so what do I know?
No, child, I’m not. No, child, it doesn’t. No child it doesn’t, no child I’m not. No child, I haven’t. No, child, it doesn’t. Yes, child, you do. No, child, it wasn’t.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
He was
Piggy oinked about this a while ago. Said that she can't change either because she runs a business and 'it's not that simple', which is bullshit because Posts by Ghost isn't a real business.
"I run a SEO company, it's probably best I keep using this email associated with racist tirades"

Fuckin' genius shit right there.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
He has at least three peoples' doxxes. None of them have faced any legal or civil consequences.

I don't think Big Dick Andrew was even required to show up in court. Pat was too lazy/stupid to serve him the paperwork - despite having his home address - so it would have been thrown out of court on that basis. Even if he had served him, Pat was too lazy/stupid to bring evidence to court, so he had nothing to support his case, so it'd be again thrown out.

I wonder if that's why he doesn't go to Hoolies anymore - nobody from there was willing to front up to court to support his scurrilous allegations against BDA; and once Pat realised nobody there gave a fuck about him he took his drinkin' business to the fart couch.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
I don't think Big Dick Andrew was even required to show up in court. Pat was too lazy/stupid to serve him the paperwork - despite having his home address - so it would have been thrown out of court on that basis. Even if he had served him, Pat was too lazy/stupid to bring evidence to court, so he had nothing to support his case, so it'd be again thrown out.

I wonder if that's why he doesn't go to Hoolies anymore - nobody from there was willing to front up to court to support his scurrilous allegations against BDA; and once Pat realised nobody there gave a fuck about him he took his drinkin' business to the fart couch.
Possible that he sexually assaulted the wait staff, too, we just don't know at this point.


I don't think Big Dick Andrew was even required to show up in court. Pat was too lazy/stupid to serve him the paperwork - despite having his home address - so it would have been thrown out of court on that basis. Even if he had served him, Pat was too lazy/stupid to bring evidence to court, so he had nothing to support his case, so it'd be again thrown out.

I wonder if that's why he doesn't go to Hoolies anymore - nobody from there was willing to front up to court to support his scurrilous allegations against BDA; and once Pat realised nobody there gave a fuck about him he took his drinkin' business to the fart couch.
What Pat did was try to obtain a temporary ex parte restraining order; meaning, the kind where you don't need to serve a subpoena(!) to someone you're seeking a restraining order against. The point is to not tip them off that you're trying to get one. Ex parte ROs are commonly filed by women who want the court to order an abusive partner to stay away from them now until they can get granted a longer one. Pig sought an ex parte one intentionally. Like Andrew said, Pat seemed surprised to see him at the courthouse.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
not sure if this bitch Pat is bothering has been shared here already https://twitter.com/ZamboniToni/status/1549819385623334912
View attachment 54984


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
What Pat did was try to obtain a temporary ex parte restraining order;
...I don't think he did; at least that's not how I remember it. I remember the judge asking if BDA had been served for example, and he had - which I wouldn't expect him to do in an ex-parte hearing. Also, your comment is the first one on the forum mentioning the word "parte" so either everyone's been fucking up the spelling for months or we're all as stupid as Pat and don't know the difference.

Personally, I think Pat thought he could just walk into court and shout "seize him!" like a fat King Herod; and then everyone would clap. At know point would he Google "types of restraining order" or let a lowly police officer explain the details.


...I don't think he did; at least that's not how I remember it. I remember the judge asking if BDA had been served for example, and he had - which I wouldn't expect him to do in an ex-parte hearing. Also, [URL='https://new.onaforums.net/search/34236/?q=%22ex+parte%22&t=post&c[child_nodes]=1&c[nodes][0]=17&o=date']your comment is the first one on the forum mentioning the word "parte"[/URL] so either everyone's been fucking up the spelling for months or we're all as stupid as Pat and don't know the difference.

Personally, I think Pat thought he could just walk into court and shout "seize him!" like a fat King Herod; and then everyone would clap. At know point would he Google "types of restraining order" or let a lowly police officer explain the details.
The more you no.