Fawkin Casanova ovah here


Stand Alone Fruit
A video game update threw a wrench in Brian’s schedule. This bum has zero energy to work due to being tired from time to time and says he’s disabled yet plenty of time for this bullshit

Get a job!
The idea of these low testosterone noodle armed lefties indicating that they fuck better than construction workers etc is so fucking laughable and definition of projection. Not all faggots are leftists but all leftists are faggots


Give Me Some Money
I’m surprised it’s still around, I had a roommate who was a faggot that played it - but that was back in 2009.
I thought the same thing. I knew dudes back then and earlier who were obsessed with it but I've never played a minute of it myself.
It was amazing for the first couple of years, if you weren't there for it I don't think you could understand it. I stopped playing shortly after the release of Lich King, 2008, because they dumbed down the game so much in order to make it appeal more to retards and casuals. It was pretty much a different game after that. Anyone that plays it today is a fucking moron.
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Stand Alone Fruit
No I think that’s a different one. But who can keep track of Rick’s gaggle of retards
Brian is an unemployed bum in his late 50s early 60s man who claims he has an “invisible illness” that is why he is disabled

His disability is he gets tired from time to time and sometimes has trouble sleeping so he can’t work yet is able to tweet all day and spend hours playing World of Warcraft while living with his mom who is in her 80s collecting SS checks.

He has a very Norman bates relationship with “mother”






He’s a massive faggot which explains why he’s such a fan of Pat.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
here’s more of Brian being a huge faggot
View attachment 213041
Disabled? Brian’s “disability” is he gets tired from time to time (he calls it an invisible illness) so he can’t work yet has plenty of energy to tweet and play computer games all day.
View attachment 213042
Deplorable? Deplorable is you being a lazy bum that refuses to work and living with your elderly mother so you can cash her social security check.
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Calling a black man a dumbass for not wanting to be told who he should vote for since Kamala is sort of black. Racist bum.
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No faggot, the shows were funny and people watched them.
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This man is 60 years old
I bet this dumb nigger thinks the duck van dyke show wasn't funny because it focused on a normal white family and not a loser societal leech..

Also Sarah colero? More like Sarah Culero amirite?