Favorite Nigger Thread



Also shoutout Mike Smith And Terrance Hobbs.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
No, what happened?

In the biggest shock since Fez coming out

It turns out he’s a huge fag, and uses his boys program to fuck wayward teens and confused men

Shocking I know

Jesse Lee Peterson is a self-described pastor. Church Militant's Joseph Enders uncovers the alleged homosexual grooming and purported spiritual predation that turned the founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) into a BOND villain.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini

In the biggest shock since Fez coming out

It turns out he’s a huge fag, and uses his boys program to fuck wayward teens and confused men

Shocking I know
On yesterday's TDS they watched some of this and their theory is that the dude in the video initially raped the bleg.

The entire thing is bizarre.

The segment is worth watching--it's very funny. It's in the hour two video, I believe, fast forward about 10 minutes in or so (doing this from memory so I could be wrong).


On yesterday's TDS they watched some of this and their theory is that the dude in the video initially raped the bleg.
This just reminded me of something. I went through a short period while a student of working for a temp agency. It was godawful and the pay wasn't as good as bar work + tips but I met a few interesting characters.

One was this white south African guy in his 40s who worked at a halfway house kind of place that I was sent to for a few days. I guess he got comfortable with me after a couple of days because we were having a smoke break and the subject of apartheid came up. He was against it, said it had been deeply unfair to the "blegs" but conceded that the country had run better under white rule. I offered no opinion either way but just asked questions. Out of the blue he announced that it was a shame that "blegs can't go to heaven because they don't actually have souls." He lamented this fact as he had "met quite a few good ones" but that even they "can't be trusted with too much responsibility."