Fatrick denies perpetual joke-stealing (again)

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
"This is an example of parallel joke writing and it happens /all the time/. With millions of people working from the same set of ingrained cultural memories, it's inevitable some of the output will overlap."

Or it's a fucking cornball hack comment that ten thousand other people thought but knew better than to post.


Stand Alone Fruit
He seems to get very upset when this is pointed out, usually with excuses like “can’t steal what I didn’t see” which we know is a lie. His whole twitter persona is stealing whatever he can to get attention and validation from Internet strangers. He doesn’t have an original thought in his fat head and everything is trying to be accepted from the twitter crowd.


He seems to get very upset when this is pointed out, usually with excuses like “can’t steal what I didn’t see” which we know is a lie. His whole twitter persona is stealing whatever he can to get attention and validation from Internet strangers. He doesn’t have an original thought in his fat head and everything is trying to be accepted from the twitter crowd.
And his whole writing style is a bad and obvious ripoff of Hitchhikers Guide