Fat Pigs Upset Over Brendan Frasers New Movie

It used to be perfectly acceptable to mock, scorn and ridicule lardos just for the fun of it. Obesity is almost always a personal moral failing, and as such there's nothing wrong with treating it as such. The country was far healthier back when being fat was something to fear and dread.
Just another reminder that shame was a useful tool.

If you are a slob or a slut, you should be ashamed of your destructive behavior.


as a fat man my problem with this movie is the fat suit. why not pick a fatter man to play the role? fat suits should be banned just like how straight people can't play trannies anymore!
Name a 600lb actor.


Name a 600lb actor.




Stand Alone Fruit
Just another reminder that shame was a useful tool.

If you are a slob or a slut, you should be ashamed of your destructive behavior.
This is very true, they say bullying is the worst yet it helped motivate a lot of people when they’re young to change things (being fat, acting like an idiot) or to stand up for themselves against a bully (back when schools would see that as a learning experience) but no that’s not allowed and being fat and a slut is celebrated. It’s insane how over the last decade it’s become acceptable for so many people (especially women) to be big fat slobs.


So I guess the dude from the mummy is making a movie where he plays a 600 lb sack of snake feces thats stuck on his couch. It sounds hilarious to me, but what's making me really laugh is that the faggots, commies, trannys and nigger enablers on Twitter are saying that it's "fat phobic". Apparently the movie isn't portraying people that weigh as much as a Jeep Cherokee in a good light, and I'm going to have to go ahead and sort of agree with them there. I can't wait to get higher than giraffe pussy and have a good laugh at this film knowing that every blue haired fat slob on Twitter is screaming REEEEE about it. Best part about it? The movie is called "the whale"
Sounds fawkin’ hilarious, brothaman. ‘Weigh as much as a Jeep Cherokee’ You can’t make that shit up...


Some of the effects look dated, but it's one of a few 90s movies I revisit from time to time.

Oh and I found this out recently.


LMAO that's British standup comedian Omid Djalili...
