Fat chicks


Stand Alone Fruit
Go to a Walmart, plenty of fatties in belly shirts scooting around the stores wherever you are in the country. I saw plenty this summer at the beach wearing bikinis.
Those scooters were for the elderly at one point, now it’s all great big fat persons and many of them well below 45. I feel like now there’s much more fat women than men, like 4 to 1. I’m always shocked when I see a guy in decent shape dating / married to a big fat mess.


It died on the vine
Texas is still riddled with fatties. I thought with food prices going up, some of them would thin out, but I think a lot of people are trying out vegan options filled with nasty-ass seed oils and have ballooned up.
Around my general area, the giga whales died of covid. The rest are just barely hanging on by the looks of it.


Stand Alone Fruit
Just saw on the news how Womens health got worse in 2021. This is because so many got fat because the media has told everyone women can be healthy at any size and big is beautiful. Funny they don’t say the same thing for fat guys, doctors tell them to lose weight but if a doctor tells a woman to lose weight they believe they know better and get fatter.