Fat American Rube pretends to know European History


What he failed to mention: Francisco Franco was well-liked by the Spanish public, kept Spain out of WW2, saved the Spanish economy from collapse during the Spanish Miracle, and let the country peacefully transition to a democracy after his death. Nice history lesson, stupid.

Sue Lightning

Guys I just read a Wikipedia article about this and now I’m going to type 5000 words about how pat is wrong. For some reason no one will call me an autistic fag who should kill himself.
They don’t say that about me? What rock do you live under?
Probably because everyone here is so friendly and accepting.
This is news to me.
I don’t know, lets go to the secret chats where they say shit about me they don’t say on here. For some reason..


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
View attachment 200932

What he failed to mention: Francisco Franco was well-liked by the Spanish public, kept Spain out of WW2, saved the Spanish economy from collapse during the Spanish Miracle, and let the country peacefully transition to a democracy after his death. Nice history lesson, stupid.
I wish he lived in a country where Right Winger Dictators would fling him screaming from a helicopter.

Another fun history story. Alberto Fujimori was president of Peru and basically saved the economy when they had like 2900 Percent Inflation, then after he got out the faggot leftists in that country called him a Right Wing Dictator and had hi arrested on trumped up charges of Human Rights violations. Meanwhile the Leftists were openly in support of Shining Path. Also, sound like something the Leftists in the US are putting in their play book? we're just on our way to having a fucking banana republic, no wonder the banana americans get such preferential treatment.

Edit: Source: a Peruvian friend. it's hilarious talking politics with her because she HATES leftists and commies with a passion and laughs really hard at Pinochet memes