
Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
She's no Lucy, that's for sure.

Why can't they just accept Lucy as their goddess empress over there, like we have done?

View attachment 58671
It's ironic because Lucy is from there.

She works in mysterious ways.




Yay, he's going to dress down some lefty raving lunatic with pink hair! Yay Tucker! Yay Fox!

I've seen a photo of him wearing the Freemason pendant and hat. I can't find the thing now, but he's totally fake. He's said some things that would've gotten him taken off air, but it didn't happen. Easy red flag.
He wears a red string Kabbalah bracelet. Fake & gay controlled opposition rage-bait steam valve to make regular people think they've "got a guy" on their side.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_string_(Kabbalah)[/URL]



[URL unfurl="true"]https://newtube.app/user/dufrianord/aJHgmzQ[/URL]

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
He wears a red string Kabbalah bracelet. Fake & gay controlled opposition rage-bait steam valve to make regular people think they've "got a guy" on their side.

View attachment 58681

View attachment 58682
Oh I didn't know he was a Kabbalah fag.

There's a lot of them for the niggers who don't know: Madonna, Mick Jagger, Britney Spears, Ashton "AIDS" Kutcher, several local niggers in our news media... I've forgotten a lot of them. You don't make it and get protected without being part of this big gay Jew club.



Yay, he's going to dress down some lefty raving lunatic with pink hair! Yay Tucker! Yay Fox!

I've seen a photo of him wearing the Freemason pendant and hat. I can't find the thing now, but he's totally fake. He's said some things that would've gotten him taken off air, but it didn't happen. Easy red flag.
He went on a rant about American replacement from the southern shitskins, but says "it's not about race." He's just directing traffic for the normiecons.


After Trump lost, Fox News went the way of the faggot and turned right back into Tipper Gore with their "weed and video games cause school shootings" bullshit. I'm not sure how faggoty they were when Trump was in office because I didn't watch TV when he was president.
I didn't watch any media when he was. TV shows were constantly shoehorning in ORANGE MAN BAD references, movies were doing white people are evil as usual but even more blatant than before, every gay band on earth was suddenly spewing political talking points and saying "we don't welcome MAGAs to our show!" or taking some stand against Nazis. Then Saint Floyd happened and it got 10x gayer and everything was about NIGGERS.


I have a face like a shovel
imagine still giving a shit about 2016 conservative grafters?


EDIT: I could have fixed the spelling to "grifters" but meh

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
imagine still giving a shit about 2016 conservative grafters?


EDIT: I could have fixed the spelling to "grifters" but meh

Grafter is also correct, so you were right the first time. Grift/Graft are the same thing. I do realize that I am a nerdy fag for pointing this out.


I've seen latino Catholics wear it too, although between the Santa Muerte and Day of the Dead shit, they kind of play it fast and loose when it comes to bringing outside influences into the religion. Geno is supposed to be what, Italian? He looks like the pile of pubes that collect at the drain of a shower that hasn't been cleaned in a while, so it's hard to even call him human.