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Yeah, I fucking love that guy.

Urban Rescue Ranch is one of like 3 channels I subscribe to on Youtube. That goofy Christian retard is the most likable dude and one of the only non-faggots on the internet left. The fact he worked at Oracle or something before quitting at 24 to live in an abandoned meth den outside Waco and turn it into a petting zoo empire is like the last American success story.


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
Urban Rescue Ranch is one of like 3 channels I subscribe to on Youtube. That goofy Christian retard is the most likable dude and one of the only non-faggots on the internet left. The fact he worked at Oracle or something before quitting at 24 to live in an abandoned meth den outside Waco and turn it into a petting zoo empire is like the last American success story.
He talks goofy and says zoomer shit that makes me think I shouldn't like him, but I just do. I've been following him since he was doing it out of his back yard in Pennsylvania or wherever the fuck he was and he'd have to beat Kevin over the head with a garbage can lid. I actually got sad when Big Ounce died. I'm really glad for his success. Fucker works hard.

The way he interacts with the ostriches is insane by the way. There was an ostrich farm down the road from me when I was a kid and the girl who lived there and I got in shit a couple times for chasing them around with a big stick. Her dad was like "THOSE THINGS WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"


He talks goofy and says zoomer shit that makes me think I shouldn't like him, but I just do. I've been following him since he was doing it out of his back yard in Pennsylvania or wherever the fuck he was and he'd have to beat Kevin over the head with a garbage can lid. I actually got sad when Big Ounce died. I'm really glad for his success. Fucker works hard.

The way he interacts with the ostriches is insane by the way. There was an ostrich farm down the road from me when I was a kid and the girl who lived there and I got in shit a couple times for chasing them around with a big stick. Her dad was like "THOSE THINGS WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

If I had my life to do over again, and I was 22, I'd move down there to volunteer and sleep in the new loft in the garage over the reptile setup. Waking up at 3am to latrine baby raccoons would suck balls but playing with animals all day and having that goober as my boss would be PFG.


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
If I had my life to do over again, and I was 22, I'd move down there to volunteer and sleep in the new loft in the garage over the reptile setup. Waking up at 3am to latrine baby raccoons would suck balls but playing with animals all day and having that goober as my boss would be PFG.
It's hilarious if he's having a bad day or going through something and you see glimpses of him getting pissed off. While he was having his new house built I remember he kept sliding little quips in that let you know he had a problem with the contractor. I remember one time they hadn't shown up for a few days and he was like "These contractors are suddenly real apathetic now that they've got all their money." Another time, his girlfriend left him and they'd previously planted a bunch of watermelons or pumpkins or something and he happened to walk by them and was like "Pumpkins are doing good. Remember when we planted the pumpkins?" and he just started smashing them and fed them to the critters. He's very goofy and golden retriever-like but I get the impression that you wouldn't want to fuck with him.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
It's true. They're tasty little fuckers


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
Park ducks are easy pickings - they're used to being fed so you can lure them with some berries and blow their little brains out with a pellet rifle. If you're lucky they'll flounder back into the pond and pump all their blood out into the reeds. Saves a step.

Just to reiterate, you only get the bounty if it was a Pasture Pet.
If you can prove that the duck was beloved and repeatedly visited/fed by local special needs then an exemption can be made.
Only one has ever been passed so far, for some stanky old crow called craig.