I get how steel toe getting cucked and serving spaghettios to another man's kids is funny, but some alcoholic degenerate lawyer having issues with the law and screwing his life up is more gossip than funny. If you enjoy gossip I sort of get why that's at least interesting to discuss and analyze with other faggots, especially if you enjoy watching a YouTuber's life fall apart. But, Ive been seeing some Kiwi Farmerish fruits even on this board with goofy Rekieta avatars like it's supposed to be funny. I dont fucking get it. What's so funny about it? I went on KF to see if there was anything new about Patrick and a lot of them have these goofy Rekieta avatars like it's funny. I don't find it particularly funny and Im struggling to understand why but also I don't know that much about Rekieta.
Here's one of them
Here's one of them