Everyone's top 10 favorite movies no order

He's been working on WoW for, what, ten years? He's got so many other things going on that I'd be surprised if it comes out before 2025.
Ehhh fuck it probably ain't going to be finished. He really motherfucked himself. I was 17 when he last released a book. Nigga thinks he don't owe the fans a completed series lol nigga we made you rich also stop eating you retard.


To Live and Die in LA
Wall Street
The Godfather
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Devils Rejects
Batman (1966)
Almost Famous
Friday Night Lights
To Live and Die in LA
Wall Street
The Godfather
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
The Devils Rejects
Batman (1966)
Almost Famous
Friday Night Lights
Shit almost famous is great. That nigga who overdosed on heroin might be one of the greatest actors ever. Nice getting into a really hard drug mid life then over doing it and robbing the world of your incredible talent pig fuck. (That's a "the master" reference Dan)
Quest for Fire
The Bounty
Bad Santa
Dumb and Dumber
Donnie Brasco
Monument Avenue
Gangs of New York
Jackass 2
Planet of the Apes

A lot of people shit on gangs of ny. But Daniel day Lewis has never had a better role than the butcher. Tom Hardy in the revenant is also an amazing character that carries a movie when the lead (Leonardo DiCaprio just happens to be the lead in both) ain't cutting it

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Didn't know how to count LOTR or it would have made it in there. Blade is fucking greatttt I was going to make a list of 10 honorable mentions for entertainment value and blade was on it.
Matrix CGI made Blade look like a cartoon, but for 1998 that shit was pretty cool. I guess I also forgot Gladiator, literally the first movie to hologram a dude

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
You think we're ever going to get to read the end of those fucking books? I put a lot of time into reading them. I read book 123 a couple times. I actually need to reread them. I need to reread the LOTR too it's been 15 years since I read them I was a child. I was maybe 19 when I read asoiaf so in my retarded brain I enjoyed them more.
Have you read the Silmarillion? That's some good shit. Read that and then do LOTR after

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Cornhole stretchers 3
Blondes have more cum 17
Fill all my holes 5
Schindlers fist
Find a fold and fuck it 2
Black cock down
Dyke Club
Twin Cheeks
LOTR is okay, but New Zealand ain't fawken Midde Earth to me. It should be more dark green with thick moss and pine, like Ted Nasmith's paintings.


I'm glad something was made before the 2010s at least, or the movies would've been full of nigger elves.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
The Thing
Glengarry Glen Ross
There Will Be Blood
The Alien Trilogy. (I'm cheating)
Monster Squad
Dawn of The Dead 1978.
Reservoir Dogs
Batman 1989
Perfume: The story of a murderer.

Just off the top of my burnt head.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Citizen Kane
Pulp Fiction
Chimes at Midnight
Caesar and Cleopatra
Young Frankenstein
A Muppet Christmas Carol/The Muppet Movie (Got to love the Muppets)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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