Europe...IN PERIL!

Uncle Floyd

“Too many goddamn scuddleheads.”

"An ongoing gang conflict, between Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid and his former right-hand man Ismail Abdo, has resulted in a recent spate of violence particularly in Stockholm and Uppsala, targeting even relatives who are not themselves involved in gang crime – or in some cases killing the wrong target entirely."

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
I mean it is fucking hilarious. All of the Nordic countries are a fucking social utopia with zero crime, and racial demographics on par with Japan but then they start importing gangs of niggers and ten short years later crime is “out of control”. No shit Sven, guess all those years you spent making fun of America for being a crime ridden hell hole were for naught? Enjoy your diversity and not being able to discuss the problem in polite society.



I mean it is fucking hilarious. All of the Nordic countries are a fucking social utopia with zero crime, and racial demographics on par with Japan but then they start importing gangs of niggers and ten short years later crime is “out of control”. No shit Sven, guess all those years you spent making fun of America for being a crime ridden hell hole were for naught? Enjoy your diversity and not being able to discuss the problem in polite society.

Finland is pretty chill actually, they don't kowtow to shitskins to the same degree. But the rest of us are cucked. There's even "Swedish" gangs in Spain who are exclusively referred to as Swedes by the media, as if there's no distinction just because they have a passport.

People who don't have a passport aren't even referred to as illegal immigrants, but "paperless migrants".


Give Me Some Money
@PogromStallone as the resident Swedes, comment?
@PogromStallone Where are you from?
It is genuinely depressing watching what has become of Sweden in the last decade, thankfully I live in a small town so we don't have any gangs here. I've got a sibling that is 5 years younger than me and their experiences at school is so different from mine that you'd think we went to school in different countries. I graduated right before mass immigration really started and the only time I ever saw a fight was when I was 13 and the few immigrants we had here jumped a guy for taking back the bike they stole from him.

For my sibling, violence and fighting were an everyday occurrence at school. They frequently missed lunch because immigrants started brawls that turned the cafeteria into a war-zone. I had never had to be in contact with the police but my sibling had to give witness statements like once a week.

I know someone else that bought a house in a lovely neighborhood, away from everything. Not long after they decided to make an old school there into some immigration centre and a year later the place had turned into a third world country. When they moved in, everything was quiet and there was green grass no matter what direction you looked. Less than a year later and there were constant fights that needed police intervention at all hours of the day and night and no matter what direction you now looked at, now all you'd see was garbage and torn up mattresses everywhere for some reason. They sold the house at a huge loss.


The gunslinger.
The white population globally is 9.6%, and in countries in the west in 70 years it’s fell from 90% to 30% in some areas and they’ll be the minority in all western countries in the next generation.

By the UN legal definition, that’s genocide.

But if you said anything like that in public you would be arrested.


The police just explained on tv why crime is out of control.
