Enjoy prison. L

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Nobody going to mention HB has either migraines or some wrinkles? Did Young Flavia say something to him about his fine lines starting to deepen?

I guess we won't know until he posts pictures of his girlfriend's feet.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
The only thing I can think of is he's trying to make an "LOL BOOZE" post but trying to pass it off as his own instead of quote tweeting the original, which is even gayer. He never said he was there, but he's implying it by not crediting the original post. Fat, stupid, social media addict.
I still think Mr. Fraudulent DMCA Claim has posted the image that he stole off that black lady as a subterfuge. Pat thinks the Redditors have the hovel under 24/7 monitored surveillance because he has the financial understanding of a toddler and has no idea what that would cost; and so he made up a story to explain his time out from under the cameras.

My theory is Nikki has (at the risk of another black eye) insisted that he go to a lawyer to talk about his upcoming jail term contempt of court hearing. An interested party could probably figure out which lawyer, too; just Google "Free Milwaukee contempt of court lawyer oh god oh god they're gonna rape me aren't they?", then ask the top three or so results if they'd represent you in a case against him. They can't straight out tell you if he's been there, but as Carmela found out, they'll tell you if there's a conflict of interest.


He once denied that the sky is blue because a funster said it was.


that nigga blessed if you ask me ❤️
The only thing I can think of is he's trying to make an "LOL BOOZE" post but trying to pass it off as his own instead of quote tweeting the original, which is even gayer. He never said he was there, but he's implying it by not crediting the original post. Fat, stupid, social media addict.
He’s stealing a tweet that went viral two months ago but added more zany words.