Elisa Jordana gets fucked up

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
Work was a shitshow today, thank you for this. That was like an older sibling type of reality check, he just pulled her hair and made her smell his balls. She's lucky he didn't push her out and take off with the car, or smash her face into the wheel. I didn't read any of the posts explaining who she is, seeing her being a nasty bitch is plenty.
But he absolutely DID push her out and take the car!

If this was behind closed doors or on a back road Elisa would've been in serious trouble. Perfect scenario for a "Caucasian female found strangled and left in the weeds. Later identified as ex-Benji Bronk fame whore YouTuber." There was a point where his face went blank and he started looking behind to see if other cars were coming. That's a "I'm gonna smash her fawwking teeth and skull right the fuck in" look. I've seen it a couple times before both in real life and in crime scene footage. We all have. That dude was seconds from eyes rolling back into the skull and neck squeezing if that other van hadn't pulled up right then. I guarantee she didn't learn her lesson, whatsoever. She'll be right back to slapping and poking people in the face all over again.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

Pre name change. Nice degree dumbo


Aside from my plentiful and liquid shit posting, the reason horrible people hang around these crowds is because they don't prioritize the right shit. A terrible Romanian psychopath can just wear some fruity shorts and they'll let them hang around. There's no sense of what a good person is to them. Who the fuck would marry that guy? What's wrong with this broad?