Elderly Gay Man Shows off SC Estate

You know he sees life in the city going on without him and he hates himself a little more each day for the stupid decisions he's made with his network, his real estate, his gambling, his love life, and his bank account. No one else is putting their homes up for sale and running to join him in South Carolina. No mutant ballwashers to kiss his ass at his poker table every weekend. No stupid karaoke jams. Just him, a cat, and a manbodied live-in prostitute grunting in the garage.

No one is buying his "I'm the happiest I've ever been" larp.
He bought that retarded house on a drunken whim, then did everything possible to avoid moving there. Then, after his greasy dago ticker went on the fritz, he had no other option, so now he's forced to live there, sipping his wine under close supervision, with nothing to do but furiously nigger-tweet all day. No more show, no more pals, no more late-night beer-fueled gaming marathons, it's all over. And now he's legit losing his mind, wandering around on his scrubby "property", staring at his sad muddy river and wondering what the fuck he's even doing there in the first place.
Just him, a cat, and a manbodied live-in prostitute grunting in the garage.

Beavis died while he was in the hospital (hmm, strange timing).

This entire thing is almost sad, AntH sounds like he doesn't even believe himself when he says "Ah, it's so peaceful here." What the fuck would he know about peace? He only knows seething rage, and guffawing joy.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Not so
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Nana can't live without her Negroes!
I still laugh that Ant is so worried by blacks but gets ripped off for a ton of cash by a white contractor that built his house poorly then split out of town. Whoever calls into his show. Ask him about how that played out. Im guessing he got fucked over since he didnt gloat about winning or the guy getting busted.
Clutching that fancy water/beer substitute like it owes him money.

Jesus Christ if this is how it ends I need to just a pick a random fat one and put some kids in her immediately.

Also someone needs to tell that city slicker about snake boots. You're frolicking through the woods of SC on a river. Copperheads are everywhere.
Believe me you'll want a wife, sooner than later. Don't end up like him or Norton.
What's he supposed to do? No more booze. No money to gamble. No show engagement. No friends, really. No guns. No family except the leech and a titless sister who would make him sad. All the kids to creepshot are protected by dads with guns. The only games he insists on playing he goes 0:50 in.
No idea what's left. Drones, maybe? Or would his hands shake too much to pilot? If I were him I'd just buy every drug I ever heard of off the dark web and have a couple last years of a good party.
It really is so sad. Joe has a much more fulfilling life.