Elderly Gay Man Shows off SC Estate

Clutching that fancy water/beer substitute like it owes him money.

Jesus Christ if this is how it ends I need to just a pick a random fat one and put some kids in her immediately.

Also someone needs to tell that city slicker about snake boots. You're frolicking through the woods of SC on a river. Copperheads are everywhere.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
It's gonna be hilarious when he clutches his bum ticker and drops dead in those woods. The authorities will find his body later that day and think its desiccated condition would only mean he'd be dead for weeks.
It'll be like Vito in the vegetable garden with his grandson. Except it won't be his grandson. It'll be a kid that The Count plucked from the local park.
This faggot is out of breath walking around his back yard yapping into a selfie stick
Yeah, near the end he's audibly gasping. That's probably the most exercise Nana has had in many years, by far. During his little stroll, he's so exhausted he can barely think of anything to say, and ends up sounding like a literal retard. "What do you do in the woods? Walk around, I guess"...way to broadcast there, radio kingpin.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Clutching that fancy water/beer substitute like it owes him money.

Jesus Christ if this is how it ends I need to just a pick a random fat one and put some kids in her immediately.

Also someone needs to tell that city slicker about snake boots. You're frolicking through the woods of SC on a river. Copperheads are everywhere.
Jeez I hope no one tells him tobehonestwitcha