"Eating our poorly cooked food may give you food poisoning"

Goddam. At least they're not hypocrits.

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To be the run ruiner, pretty sure that’s for retards who order shit like that. So they can claim they warned them. Why you would ever get brunch at hooligans is beyond m-, oh that’s right. Only fat retards go there, who probably think it’s “culture”.
Also pretty sure every menu I’ve ever seen has that on there. Must be some kind of health code thing. It usually isn’t that big and prominent though.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Are you saying people order an omlette and ask for it "rare"?
Some people could ask for their eggs runnier, and bacon less cooked. I don’t like crispy bacon, as an example. I’m saying it’s probably just there to prevent lawsuits. As JSJ pointed out, it’s in every menu. So it very well could just be required by health codes. I don’t think Hooli’s is warning their customers they have the only illegals in MKE working in the back so don’t get mad.