Drunk 1.7 GPA retard posts bizarre Nigger Degrasse Tyson "da universe crazy" thread; ends off calling himself tough guy; childs someone afterwards.



Somehow I've never really thought about this. What is it he thinks he's doing with these constant tweets? It's not like he has any political power. If he was in government or running for some kind of office then his tweets might actually do something. All he does is make tweets and then expect things to be fixed somehow.

What's his actual goal? I know he really wants followers and retweets, but what is it he pretends he's trying to do beyond that? What's the end game? He surely has to have some idea of what having more followers will do for him.

Again, I know he's just desperate to be seen as a hilarious intellectual that can fight guys, but surely he has some actual goal beyond that. Even one that's just a cover for him somehow managing to spend even more time on twitter.
He actually thinks there's a 50,000 person stadium of people eagerly awaiting his next hot take. He thinks he's actually influencing the hearts and minds of tens of thousands of people and driving our culture. He is a narcissist and that's why he feels morally justified ordering people to fly all the way to Ukraine and enlist in the military there and die for their cause while he fatly tweets and farts into his couch and makes blog posts about his $20 wal mart car wax kit


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
Somehow I've never really thought about this. What is it he thinks he's doing with these constant tweets? It's not like he has any political power. If he was in government or running for some kind of office then his tweets might actually do something. All he does is make tweets and then expect things to be fixed somehow.

What's his actual goal? I know he really wants followers and retweets, but what is it he pretends he's trying to do beyond that? What's the end game? He surely has to have some idea of what having more followers will do for him.

Again, I know he's just desperate to be seen as a hilarious intellectual that can fight guys, but surely he has some actual goal beyond that. Even one that's just a cover for him somehow managing to spend even more time on twitter.
For some its vidya, drugs, gambling, philandering etc. for Pat its twitter.
They are all usually trying to fill a hole in their life and Pat is no exception.
He has accomplished nothing in his life that has any meaning or longevity, so when he gets a retweet, it gives him a (false) sense of achievement that he is now addicted to.

Will not quit twitter and when forced (banned), cried and went to court while still operating an alt. Cost of $5k
Scours the internet(Reddit) looking for things to reword and repost as his own
When found, the tweet is 'crafted' no doubt rewritten a few times as he tried to hit his pandering points
Once crafted it is saved for posting during prime time in a hope for more upribs
He will then quote reply his tweet
retweet his tweet
repost his tweet at a later date
Will correct the record at almost any time of the day regardless of where he is or what he is doing.

His vandalism video showed he had his phone in his hand, photos of him at various pedocons with his phone out viewable, while he is sat at his panel table. people have messaged him during these times and received replies.

Twitter is all he has.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
He actually thinks there's a 50,000 person stadium of people eagerly awaiting his next hot take. He thinks he's actually influencing the hearts and minds of tens of thousands of people and driving our culture. He is a narcissist and that's why he feels morally justified ordering people to fly all the way to Ukraine and enlist in the military there and die for their cause while he fatly tweets and farts into his couch and makes blog posts about his $20 wal mart car wax kit
This is exactly it. He has proven multiple times by now that he very seriously believes he is saving the world by Tweeting. When Alec Baldwin had the audacity to hold up that "You're welcome" sign on SNL after Biden won, the hubris was extraordinary; as if this egotistical lunatic doing the worst of all Trump impressions was somehow single-handily the catalyst for him not winning re-election.

Meanwhile, Pat is even worse and honestly believes Biden won and Trump will be in prison because of his tweets that average a few hundred likes. It's the only way he can justify spending the majority of his life on there.


but surely he has some actual goal beyond that
The likes he gets from other useless idiots on twitter provide him the acceptance that he never got from anyone other than his mother growing up. He was a failure in school, he was unpopular and had no friends. He married the first girl that ever touched his pecker. His entire being reeks of insane insecurity and trying desperately to get positive response from other people. I really don't believe he has any other goal than opening his phone to messages of "random fuckface #123 liked your tweet". That's why we have driven him off the deep end and our trolling bothers him so deeply. When he opens his phone, it's not just the positive reinforcement he wants. He has to deal with reality of being told he's fat and worthless constantly. It's why he *must* respond to us, because if special boy Patrick gets the last word it mean's he's right and we're wrong about him.


Big Time
Somehow I've never really thought about this. What is it he thinks he's doing with these constant tweets? It's not like he has any political power. If he was in government or running for some kind of office then his tweets might actually do something. All he does is make tweets and then expect things to be fixed somehow.

What's his actual goal? I know he really wants followers and retweets, but what is it he pretends he's trying to do beyond that? What's the end game? He surely has to have some idea of what having more followers will do for him.

Again, I know he's just desperate to be seen as a hilarious intellectual that can fight guys, but surely he has some actual goal beyond that. Even one that's just a cover for him somehow managing to spend even more time on twitter.

Pat would "rather be right than happy".


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
“TDS is what traitors call patriotism “

What a great strategy to win the other side other dipshit.

I’m a lib who doesn’t like Trump and even I know the difference between not liking him and having TDS.

People like this stupid motherfucker are the reason we have this faggot ass division in this country right now.
You know what's the most patriotic thing I've ever seen an American president do in my lifetime? When Trump hit that one faggot Iranian General with a missile and fucking vaporized him. He demonstrated in glorious fashion that he didn't fuck around and the USA isn't to be pushed. That's the type of badass action movie shit you'd think Pat would like. I'm not a political guy at all AND I'm Canadian (read: retarded) but I think Trump ended up being the coolest world leader I've ever seen.
You know what's the most patriotic thing I've ever seen an American president do in my lifetime? When Trump hit that one faggot Iranian General with a missile and fucking vaporized him. He demonstrated in glorious fashion that he didn't fuck around and the USA isn't to be pushed. That's the type of badass action movie shit you'd think Pat would like. I'm not a political guy at all AND I'm Canadian (read: retarded) but I think Trump ended up being the coolest world leader I've ever seen.
I've done a lot of work in the Alberta oilfields and was there this past summer. I was in a small town in the Edmonton region and there's people with MAGA 2024 hats and pickups with American flags and what I found out to be the Alberta flag, too. These are some of the nicest people I've ever met and they happen to appreciate a world leader who isn't a faggot. I wish I exposed them to Fatrick's antics but I was busy earning a living that Fatso could dream of. Not even in the money sense but doing man work that he is incapable of.​


Somehow I've never really thought about this. What is it he thinks he's doing with these constant tweets? It's not like he has any political power. If he was in government or running for some kind of office then his tweets might actually do something. All he does is make tweets and then expect things to be fixed somehow.

What's his actual goal? I know he really wants followers and retweets, but what is it he pretends he's trying to do beyond that? What's the end game? He surely has to have some idea of what having more followers will do for him.

Again, I know he's just desperate to be seen as a hilarious intellectual that can fight guys, but surely he has some actual goal beyond that. Even one that's just a cover for him somehow managing to spend even more time on twitter.
He is a chinfluencer, child.