Drunk 1.7 GPA retard posts bizarre Nigger Degrasse Tyson "da universe crazy" thread; ends off calling himself tough guy; childs someone afterwards.




This is the GIF he posts at the end of the thread. He is a very odd guy. Fat too

[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/i/status/1581159089580564480[/URL]


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
"we can do this"
"if you people stop fucking up"

Tell us Pat, what can you actually do to help?
You have no education
You have no skills
You are overweight and out of shape
It's suspected you have trouble tieing your own shoe laces hence the flip flops all the time.

Im sure if NASA or SpaceX needed a fat alcoholic midwestern rube who can tweet and drive stick shift, they would have already been on the phone.


The gunslinger.
"we can do this"
"if you people stop fucking up"

Tell us Pat, what can you actually do to help?
You have no education
You have no skills
You are overweight and out of shape
It's suspected you have trouble tieing your own shoe laces hence the flip flops all the time.

Im sure if NASA or SpaceX needed a fat alcoholic midwestern rube who can tweet and drive stick shift, they would have already been on the phone.

Most people build careers or families to fill the human void inside them. Patrick has neither. No job, no credentials, no child support payments. He fills his life purpose with twitter dopamine and as many consoomer purchases he can afford.

He’s also a vicious pedophile.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Whenever he gets a little bit of attention on Twitter, there are no police visits to his half-hovel. He only gets police visits when his engagement goes back to its usual flatline. What a splendid coincidence.

Also the way he inserts idioms like “fuckin’ metal” into his tweets and blog posts is hilariously annoying. He thinks he sounds cool.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
“TDS is what traitors call patriotism “

What a great strategy to win the other side other dipshit.

I’m a lib who doesn’t like Trump and even I know the difference between not liking him and having TDS.

People like this stupid motherfucker are the reason we have this faggot ass division in this country right now.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
...and proficiency have grown to the point that we can not only detect but PREVENT a planetary catastrophe.

It took us seven years, Pat, and we only managed to launch one of the two spacecraft that were supposed to go. Plus, the asteroid it hit is only about 700 feet across - it's tiny.

When the DART mission successfully smashed into Dimorphos and changed its orbital period by more than /half an hour/
That's maybe enough if it was coming at us in a right angle to our orbit, but it's not enough if it's coming from closer to head-on.

TL,DR: We needed years of warning to hit the thing, it probably wouldn't be enough to stop it colliding with the earth in real life, and fat boy still can't do enough math to figure any of this out.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
It took us seven years, Pat, and we only managed to launch one of the two spacecraft that were supposed to go. Plus, the asteroid it hit is only about 700 feet across - it's tiny.

That's maybe enough if it was coming at us in a right angle to our orbit, but it's not enough if it's coming from closer to head-on.

TL,DR: We needed years of warning to hit the thing, it probably wouldn't be enough to stop it colliding with the earth in real life, and fat boy still can't do enough math to figure any of this out.
I hope a 900 foot asteroid hits him at a right angle on his stupid forehead


Tell us Pat, what can you actually do to help?
Somehow I've never really thought about this. What is it he thinks he's doing with these constant tweets? It's not like he has any political power. If he was in government or running for some kind of office then his tweets might actually do something. All he does is make tweets and then expect things to be fixed somehow.

What's his actual goal? I know he really wants followers and retweets, but what is it he pretends he's trying to do beyond that? What's the end game? He surely has to have some idea of what having more followers will do for him.

Again, I know he's just desperate to be seen as a hilarious intellectual that can fight guys, but surely he has some actual goal beyond that. Even one that's just a cover for him somehow managing to spend even more time on twitter.
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