Don’t worry, Col, you’re still hilarious






I’m kinda jealous, not gonna lie. I really hope to see him live some day.
I never got to see Norm while he was alive and I hate myself every day for it. It's defintely worth it to see Colin live since his best material is off the cuff and isn't even from one of his stand-up specials.

Dont worry if you are 15 minutes late to his show. Colin's opener is complete dogshit.


God damn the replies are painful. Like 3 or 4 brothermen who know da bit and are breaking CQ's balls, then just a wave of NPCs who repeat the same things like he's being serious. I thought people understood Colin's Twitter by now.


I never got to see Norm while he was alive and I hate myself every day for it.
We saw him at Caroline's (we especially went to support him after the stupid woke crowd tried to destroy him for defending Roseanne). He was awesome but the sound wasn't great so I missed what he was saying at times. We all gave him a standing ovation. When he finished and was heading backstage he stopped at the end of my row. A few guys from the audience took the chance went over to him to chat. I was so tempted to as well but got too shy. Norm continued on to the back rooms.

He told a hilarious joke about the 2016 election. It was something like, "I would have voted for Trump. I mean, he was the only guy running!"