You were prepared to go full-tit-boogie? Just paying Pat's mortgage could make Lynne liable as third-party debtor?There was a lien on the house, so yeah they had no equity but eventually that would have built up over the years. They are obviously getting money from somewhere, to buy his dumb shit and their vacations. So we would have looked into that. There's a limit on assets you can exempt. So I'd have gone through whatever was left over and basically stripped his house clean and sold off his shitty cars. His space guns. Whatever.
I also was planning to domesticate the debt in ny to then get the rights to his angry robot books and auctioned them off. I believe their US office is under penguin random house in NYC.
I would have started calling in his fambly, as well and Nicole , her dumbass mom and anyone else in wisconsin for third party debtor exams to see if they were giving him money or hiding assets.