Dog chews girls face off


Nice liking shitty violent dogs who murder other peoples shitty small dogs stupid.

Actually now that I say that, Pitbulls rules. Small dogs can go fuck themselves.
They're not violent- They're no more violent than any other dog, except they're not pussies.
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Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
They waited 37 minutes before going in to treat her... because of two dogs. Incredible.
i dont want to victum blame here but she kinda brought it upon herself for having these dangerous animal in the house, cant blame the EMT here either imagine getting bite because of this BS

Why was this bitch naked? When they showed the medic pulling her out, she was nude.
holy shit she was fucking the dogs and the pit got jealous


Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
What about the real story? The guy dating the girl has to stay with or he’ll look like a huge piece of shit. She hit the wall overnight and there wasn’t enough time for them to pretend they grew apart. Feel sad for the dude.
Even if he LOVED her personality and her looks didn't matter, she's gonna be carrying a ton of baggage for the rest of her life.

Homeboy probably imagined getting married, having a nice house and a dog. Now he's gonna have an ugly metal wheelchair ramp running up his front porch and a fish tank if he's lucky.


i fostered a real nice pit but my landloard wouldn't let me adopt it. around here the shelters are all pits and senior dogs. it fawking sucked trying to adopt a dog so i bought my schnoodle..