Dog chews girls face off

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
problem with that is there'll be a new breed to blame, before pits it was rots, german shepards, even dobermans (akitas at one point but that was short lived)
I remember when loads of chavvy retards around here were buying Japanese Akitas and bragging about how dangerous and tough they were. I used to laugh and tell them that Akitas are fine and they have got them confused with Japanese Tosas which are the dangerous banned breed.


don't call me scarface
I remember when loads of chavvy retards around here were buying Japanese Akitas and bragging about how dangerous and tough they were. I used to laugh and tell them that Akitas are fine and they have got them confused with Japanese Tosas which are the dangerous banned breed.
that makes sense, my mum's cousin had one and she was a sweetheart, big fluffy fuckers

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Can you imagine breeding a race of creature known for dangerous tendencies and violent aggression year over year for generations until there are so many we can't cage 'em fast enough?