Does Patrick have a naturally bad smell?



There's no way he doesn't stink to high heavens given how much alcohol he drinks and how fat he is. I also imagine the smell of dead black babies doesn't smell very good either. Also, all the STDs Niki gave to him from all the niggers she fucked before meeting him probably leave a horrid stench in his crotch


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
Fat people always smell, no exceptions.
I'll never forget the distinct smell of fat people house. I had a big fat buddy in highschool who lived with his two big fat sisters and his big fat mom. The place didn't even smell bad, really. It just always had a Campbell's chunky soup smell throughout the entire place.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
I'll never forget the distinct smell of fat people house. I had a big fat buddy in highschool who lived with his two big fat sisters and his big fat mom. The place didn't even smell bad, really. It just always had a Campbell's chunky soup smell throughout the entire place.
Pat’s house smells like Hooligan’s soup via Pat’s sweat glands.