Does anyone else hate faggot kids at the gym???

Dougie's Hapa Daughter

Look Daddy! I'm on TV!
Brothermen aren't all living the home gym life? Once you try it, you'll never be able to go back to commercial gyms. Lift whenever you want, never need to wait, blast music as loud as you want. So great. And being able to squat naked with my balls hanging down at the bottom of the squat... feelsgoodman.jpg


I love media!
When I say kids, I mean 23 and under... Sorry Paul.

I'm so sick of these faggots wearing air buds and playing on their phones. Like how hard is it to do a hour's work out with out going on the fucking phone? and their so fucking entitled.

Something about gay faggots too that really bug me. They like they act like they are the far better than people in the gym and they do their cable works out hoping other faggots will look at them. They bring a back back too and a huge water jug. I fucking hate them, mostly a certain spic on that is a trainer at my gym.

There is also this one gay fat kid. You can tell he is a dick sucking ass faggot just by looking at him. I give him some props because he is in the gym and working out but he always wears these tight shorts where you can see his ass crack.

kill me
You made half of a point, but ruined it with your inept attempts at observational humor. Just be for real, Jim. Just because you shit on other people, doesn't mean it's magically some astute insight. Stop playing a character.
I swear home gyms seem more and more logical...

I actually think it's easier to go to a proper jem than working out at home. When you don't feel like working out, you have the prospect of seeing some sexy asses in tights as extra motivation.

I'm probably going to spend 30 mins on an exercise bike today just because of that.


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
I went to the gym today to run a few miles, as I do a few times a week in the winter. Between miles, I sometimes hop on a row machine for a few minutes just to change muscle groups.

While I was rowing, a lady was on a stairmaster next to me. I don’t know her, but I’ve been seeing her come in since the beginning of the year. So a resolutioner who survived the first three weeks. Good on her. Now, there’s no way to beat around it, this is a large lady, well into obese territory from a medical standpoint. But she’s on this stairmaster just fucking crushing it. Probably 75-80 stairs a minute, for a good 15 minutes by the time I sit down to row, which is more than I can do at the moment.

And wouldn’t you know, some fucking brototype just has to walk by and say something shitty about her weight to me. She’s got earbuds in, but the look on her face tells me she heard.

Now, I’ve been going to the gym regularly for four and a half years, and at my gym, you almost never hear shit like this. And there’s a good reason for that, it’s rude, cruel, and entirely counter-productive.

So I got up from my machine and told him, “Wait right there.” Then I went and grabbed two 60lb dumbells off the free weight rack and handed them to him.

“What are these for?” The brotosaurus asked.

“For you, while you do stairs for…” I glanced at her display, “15 minutes.”

“What? I can’t do stairs with that much extra weight,” he said.

“Really? Because she can. So until you’re as tough as she is, maybe keep your mouth shut,” I said.

Because I’m sorry, but that shit isn’t going to fly around me. I have my issues with the body positivity movement and its tactic acceptance of unhealthy lifestyles, but this is someone who has made a commitment to changing her circumstances and is putting in the REALLY hard work necessary.

The dead last thing anyone in her situation needs, or deserves, is some little brohemian asshole who can’t relate to what she’s going through making snide remarks while she’s actively engaging in making a positive change. She has earned encouragement from other people making the same strides. And if that’s too hard, then the least she deserves is his silence.

End gym rant.


People sitting at the bench or the machine for 20 minutes to do 3 reps while they play on their phone in between is obnoxious but part of today's world.

I get annoyed when you get a handful of 12 year old minorities who's parents just let them run wild all over the place. No respect for the danger involved in that, they really are subhuman.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I know this is a troll thread however if you go to the gym, and actually pay attention enough to other people to the point that you find something you don't like about them, then you're the faggot.

Put on your headphones, do your workout, and mind your business

I'm not a tough guy, a gym bro, or anything like that...I'm just a (semi) normal person who likes to go to the gym so I can lift, and not annoy anyone as I hope they won't annoy me
Don't be calling Nigger Jim a faggot, you kike.

Where's your gym, Tel Aviv? How many shekels can you snatch? Spend a lot of time on the Oven Dodge machine?


The Real Dan Mullen

Hickory dickory dock I sucked Flavia’s cock. Agooo
When I say kids, I mean 23 and under... Sorry Paul.

I'm so sick of these faggots wearing air buds and playing on their phones. Like how hard is it to do a hour's work out with out going on the fucking phone? and their so fucking entitled.

Something about gay faggots too that really bug me. They like they act like they are the far better than people in the gym and they do their cable works out hoping other faggots will look at them. They bring a back back too and a huge water jug. I fucking hate them, mostly a certain spic on that is a trainer at my gym.

There is also this one gay fat kid. You can tell he is a dick sucking ass faggot just by looking at him. I give him some props because he is in the gym and working out but he always wears these tight shorts where you can see his ass crack.

kill me
I only go to gyms to blow dudes in the sauna. You can make big numbahs if you throw in little extras like that to sweetin every deal in the sales world. To contribute to the topic, my main clients are children.

I’m Dan Mullen.