Does anyone else hate faggot kids at the gym???

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
When I say kids, I mean 23 and under... Sorry Paul.

I'm so sick of these faggots wearing air buds and playing on their phones. Like how hard is it to do a hour's work out with out going on the fucking phone? and their so fucking entitled.

Something about gay faggots too that really bug me. They like they act like they are the far better than people in the gym and they do their cable works out hoping other faggots will look at them. They bring a back back too and a huge water jug. I fucking hate them, mostly a certain spic on that is a trainer at my gym.

There is also this one gay fat kid. You can tell he is a dick sucking ass faggot just by looking at him. I give him some props because he is in the gym and working out but he always wears these tight shorts where you can see his ass crack.

kill me

Edit: back pack
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I have a face like a shovel
I know this is a troll thread however if you go to the gym, and actually pay attention enough to other people to the point that you find something you don't like about them, then you're the faggot.

Put on your headphones, do your workout, and mind your business

I'm not a tough guy, a gym bro, or anything like that...I'm just a (semi) normal person who likes to go to the gym so I can lift, and not annoy anyone as I hope they won't annoy me
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