Does anyone else get annoyed by white niggers complaining about “posts too long”?


NYC Mayor
I'll be brief. Do you really log on and expect to read 2-word posts? We come on here to have in depth discussions & criticism about entertainment.

If I hear any of you idiots crying about post lengths anymore I'm going to fix your wagon. Try to pick up a book sometime, it will help you get over your white nigger fear of reading.

Does anyone have anything they would like to say to me?
I didn't think so.
I'll be brief. Do you really log on and expect to read 2-word posts? We come on here to have in depth discussions & criticism about entertainment.

If I hear any of you idiots crying about post lengths anymore I'm going to fix your wagon. Try to pick up a book sometime, it will help you get over your white nigger fear of reading.

Does anyone have anything they would like to say to me?
I didn't think so.
Tweeting is to blame. It encourages pissy, glib, smart-alecky replies, like "interesting", and my pet peeve, "yep". It's fueling an entire generation of retards.

Sue Lightning

Private profile white nigger mentalities…The O&A show had people getting their lines in, getting in some jokeszz here and there, just a lul bit…but it also had moments where one member would ramble or speak on a topic for a while. It was a fawwwkin hang. And you know what you could do if you didn’t like what was going on that day? Turn the dial…


and her hair smells like red froot loops
Private profile white nigger mentalities…The O&A show had people getting their lines in, getting in some jokeszz here and there, just a lul bit…but it also had moments where one member would ramble or speak on a topic for a while. It was a fawwwkin hang. And you know what you could do if you didn’t like what was going on that day? Turn the dial…

The worst part is the hypocrisy



I love media!
I'll be brief. Do you really log on and expect to read 2-word posts? We come on here to have in depth discussions & criticism about entertainment.

If I hear any of you idiots crying about post lengths anymore I'm going to fix your wagon. Try to pick up a book sometime, it will help you get over your white nigger fear of reading.

Does anyone have anything they would like to say to me?
I didn't think so.
Good post. If anything, reading more can sharpen your mind, regardless of the subject. (Most of the time) If you're reading an essay from some Facebook roast flap about her latest cock ride dumping her, then maybe not so much, but you'd be a faggot to go "Ugh, this guy I was arguing with is giving paragraphs in his rebuttal? Time to punch out and insult him".
The internet has ushered in a whole new world of communication. Internet forums give users the ability to interact with each other from any location in the world and share ideas, opinions, and experiences. In recent years, internet forums have come under scrutiny from some who feel that long comments on forums are counterproductive and detract from the conversation. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of long comments on an Internet forum.

Pros of Long Comments

The first pro of long comments on an internet forum is that they often give users deeper insight into the topic at hand. Since long comments allow users to go in-depth into a subject, they often provide a wealth of knowledge and information. This is especially valuable in forums that are focused on specific topics or have in-depth discussions.

Another pro is that long comments allow users to go beyond just providing facts or opinions, but to provide a well-crafted argument for their stance. By writing a long comment , users can give a thorough explanation of their stance, which can be beneficial in any debate or discussion.

Finally, long comments can be beneficial in forums that are meant to be productive and educational. Since the comments are longer, readers are likely to be more engaged and more likely to engage in a meaningful conversation.

Cons of Long Comments

The first con of long comments on an internet forum is that they often have the potential to dominate the conversation. By taking up a large portion of the available space in a thread, long comments can crowd out other voices and potentially limit the conversation.

Another con is that long comments can sometimes bog down a conversation and slow it down. Since readers have to take extra time to read and understand long comments, the conversation as a whole can become bogged down in a sea of text.

Finally, long comments can limit the opportunity for other users to participate in the conversation. Since readers have to read and process long comments, other users might feel that their own opinions or views don’t have room to be heard or discussed.


In conclusion, the debate over long comments on an internet forum is an ongoing one. While long comments have some potential benefits, such as providing deeper insight into topics and allowing for more thorough arguments, they also have some drawbacks, such as dominating conversations and limiting the opportunity for others to participate. Ultimately, it is up to each forum user to decide whether or not long comments are beneficial or detrimental to the

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
The internet has ushered in a whole new world of communication. Internet forums give users the ability to interact with each other from any location in the world and share ideas, opinions, and experiences. In recent years, internet forums have come under scrutiny from some who feel that long comments on forums are counterproductive and detract from the conversation. This paper will discuss the pros and cons of long comments on an Internet forum.

Pros of Long Comments

The first pro of long comments on an internet forum is that they often give users deeper insight into the topic at hand. Since long comments allow users to go in-depth into a subject, they often provide a wealth of knowledge and information. This is especially valuable in forums that are focused on specific topics or have in-depth discussions.

Another pro is that long comments allow users to go beyond just providing facts or opinions, but to provide a well-crafted argument for their stance. By writing a long comment , users can give a thorough explanation of their stance, which can be beneficial in any debate or discussion.

Finally, long comments can be beneficial in forums that are meant to be productive and educational. Since the comments are longer, readers are likely to be more engaged and more likely to engage in a meaningful conversation.

Cons of Long Comments

The first con of long comments on an internet forum is that they often have the potential to dominate the conversation. By taking up a large portion of the available space in a thread, long comments can crowd out other voices and potentially limit the conversation.

Another con is that long comments can sometimes bog down a conversation and slow it down. Since readers have to take extra time to read and understand long comments, the conversation as a whole can become bogged down in a sea of text.

Finally, long comments can limit the opportunity for other users to participate in the conversation. Since readers have to read and process long comments, other users might feel that their own opinions or views don’t have room to be heard or discussed.


In conclusion, the debate over long comments on an internet forum is an ongoing one. While long comments have some potential benefits, such as providing deeper insight into topics and allowing for more thorough arguments, they also have some drawbacks, such as dominating conversations and limiting the opportunity for others to participate. Ultimately, it is up to each forum user to decide whether or not long comments are beneficial or detrimental to the


I love media!
Finally, long comments can limit the opportunity for other users to participate in the conversation. Since readers have to read and process long comments, other users might feel that their own opinions or views don’t have room to be heard or discussed.
The rest of your points were good, but this one sticks out the most for me. I've seen too many instances of people on forums where they'll clock out, because the effort of reading something more than the length of a Twitter post is just too much for them. Every good post doesn't have to be the size of a mini-novella, but the ones that are, are just shrugged off and disregarded. It's a sad state of affairs.


I love media!
Oh lmao. I remember when this first came out and everybody jumped on it, before it got restricted.