Do you think they made "Rain Man (1988)" as predictive programming for Autism

Why cant we all just get along, funsters
If autism didn't exist before Rain Man then explain Isaac Newton or any of those other weird geniuses who said a lot of autistic shit.
Maybe that is what all those shut-in monks in their monasteries were.

Alot of the early Islamic jurists were so focused on their scholarship, they never Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) for example.


May St. Mel bless you
I always thought Thomas Jefferson was autistic. He'd have to be for how much he spent writing in the days you had to dip the quill in ink halfway through every sentence. Plus the only women he could get were ones he owned. You ever hear that he edited the Bible to take out the miracles and supernatural stuff? Back when cut & paste meant using a real knife to a book. Turbo autism.
If autism didn't exist before Rain Man then explain Isaac Newton or any of those other weird geniuses who said a lot of autistic shit.

Sue Lightning

Rainman had some role to play in the autism conversation. Before the 1950’s autistic people still existed but they were called “Idiot savants” - Geniuses who were social fucking weirdos and stunted in ways beyond their abnormally high intelligence. Then around the mid 1900’s we started realizing the “idiot savant” category expanded beyond geniuses and also included low IQ idiots who were socially retarded. Rain Man is one of the first films I can think of that flat out calls it Autism, even having to explain what it is because it was so new at the time.

What Rain Man did was clarify what “autism” was divorced from the term Idiot Savant, but it painted a ”stereotype” of what autistic people were like: Literally retarded people who could count toothpicks without even looking at them. We now know, through the broadening of the words definition, that most autistic people are more like Dan Sobel or Chris Chan than Issac Newton.
