Do you think that Ant would be able to "clean" his image like Sam Hyde?

Nana is still Nigga posting while sober. He'll never change. All he has paying any attention to him are his dwindling cast of ballwashers, the Stuttering John "Dabblers," Redbar trolls, and us. I don't see him getting even marginal mainstream success/attention. A reunion with Opie won't generate anything more than maybe a flurry of super chats for a short time before fading off. He'll be little more than a Scary Perry Caravello curiosity.

People are more open to accepting Norton being married to a Norweigan Troon than they are to accepting Nana back into the fold.


that nigga blessed if you ask me ❤️
Nana is still Nigga posting while sober. He'll never change. All he has paying any attention to him are his dwindling cast of ballwashers, the Stuttering John "Dabblers," Redbar trolls, and us. I don't see him getting even marginal mainstream success/attention. A reunion with Opie won't generate anything more than maybe a flurry of super chats for a short time before fading off. He'll be little more than a Scary Perry Caravello curiosity.

People are more open to accepting Norton being married to a Norweigan Troon than they are to accepting Nana back into the fold.
His return video having 89k views in 3 days on YouTube is pretty crazy. Maybe he should just ditch the paywall.
His return video having 89k views in 3 days on YouTube is pretty crazy. Maybe he should just ditch the paywall.
He should have ditched it long ago, or let CP be absorbed by Gavin. If he remains sober for any length of time he will probably realize he has no reason to associate with the likes of Geno or Chrissie. Being sober around your drunk friends, you see how little you enjoy their company. Even Gavin had the decency to not drink when he was on with Nana last week.

He can easily just stream from wherever he is at. Cut the overhead, sign over the SC house to BroJoe, send Manly Missy packing, and get a small place in NYC.


Shit eatin', Jew beatin' son of a gun
Honestly, he has his moments, but overall Sam Hyde is way too much of a tryhard for me.
Yeah, that's where I'm at with him too. Him and the one guy from MDE were on some podcast at Skankfest and any time they spoke they just screamed random shit into the mic over and over. It's like they don't actually know how to be funny so they do the anti-comedy thing. LOUD REPETITION! LOUD REPETITION! LOUD REPETITION! LOUD REPETITION!
I only know Sam because of you all.
As far as Ant cleaning his image up,anything is possible.
He can just ignore it, do great radio and people will forget and forgive. He will never reach past success but he can make serious super chat and Patreon money if he ever went that route. America loved Kobe an ass rapist, loves Snoop a pot smoking gang member, Martha Stewart a felon, OJ Simpson, a double murderer now granted, he's got a tougher hill to climb because the crime of racist is far worse than those crimes of the above.
Again if he ignores it and stops saying racist shit he can recover
Really, no...he can't. You cannot post FN tweets every night over and over and over and expect to get a mainstream media job ever again. Obscurity is Nana's new home and it is where she shall remain.
Nana is still Nigga posting while sober. He'll never change. All he has paying any attention to him are his dwindling cast of ballwashers, the Stuttering John "Dabblers," Redbar trolls, and us. I don't see him getting even marginal mainstream success/attention. A reunion with Opie won't generate anything more than maybe a flurry of super chats for a short time before fading off. He'll be little more than a Scary Perry Caravello curiosity.

People are more open to accepting Norton being married to a Norweigan Troon than they are to accepting Nana back into the fold.
Very true. After the initial shock of the Worm's marriage, it seems like we've all settled into an uncomfortable acceptance. Prince Alan seems nice and is funny. Who gives a fuck?

Nana, on the other hand is a ghoul, racist, despicable regurgitator of MAGA/KKK talking points. Oh, and she cyber stalks female children on Instagram.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Either way, most of the audience that loved Opie & Anthony has grown up and don't want to hear the racist/MAGA/Klan ramblings of a hopeful pedophile. It's over Johnny.

Plus, O & A's core audience is males in their 50s to 70s that can't figure out social media let alone things like YouTube.
Again, in my scenario I specifically said he's got to quit the racism. LOS are making great money with the right amount of racism, now granted, they are also being funny about it
That's a key ingredient


NYC Mayor
His return video having 89k views in 3 days on YouTube is pretty crazy. Maybe he should just ditch the paywall.
He should have ditched it long ago, or let CP be absorbed by Gavin. If he remains sober for any length of time he will probably realize he has no reason to associate with the likes of Geno or Chrissie. Being sober around your drunk friends, you see how little you enjoy their company. Even Gavin had the decency to not drink when he was on with Nana last week.

He can easily just stream from wherever he is at. Cut the overhead, sign over the SC house to BroJoe, send Manly Missy packing, and get a small place in NYC.

Well, thankfully we will not really have to worry about the paywall very much because when Opie takes over, he will immediately make it free to listen. Which he was always in favor of, and still is to this day.

There is something about the beggar who lives from donations that people like to show support to, instead of just buying a service which is what a paywall does. If you let them donate it makes them feel more specialer than the other commenters.
Well, thankfully we will not really have to worry about the paywall very much because when Opie takes over, he will immediately make it free to listen. Which he was always in favor of, and still is to this day.

There is something about the beggar who lives from donations that people like to show support to, instead of just buying a service which is what a paywall does. If you let them donate it makes them feel more specialer than the other commenters.
True, and the superchat whales get to steer the ship. Kevin Brennan pretty much dances for his superchatters.

Opie would never allow such a thing. Unless the action was something he was planning on doing regardless (ie disconnecting Shuli).


hard drive full of CP media
Isn't Hyde the fake mass shooter pic?