Did Walt have to kill Gale? Did Walt need to kill Gus?



By the time Jesse kills Gale, Gus has already sanctioned the hits on both Walt and Jesse. And Gus tells Gale that he needs to learn the meth formula quickly because Walt will be dying earlier than when the cancer would have taken him. Gus also used child soldiers and dealers which Jesse was against. And Walt basically always sides with Jesse until Jesse tries to kill Walt and burn his house down.

It was Gus that messed everything up. All Gus had to do was rely on high end dealers and not used children to peddle his drugs. Instead of siding with two genius chemists that make millions of dollars a week for him. Gus sides with two spic street gangsters who might make $100K a year on an up year. For what reason? And even more retarded is that Gus meets with two known street dealers and murderers in the open.

The show is retarded.
I was hoping to see you here.