Did that guy really suck off obama?

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
I always thought she looked like a chimp, and not in a racist way

You mean like Dark Cheadle?


Not in a racist way, he has been scientifically proven using DNA to be the missing link between man and ape.

And when I say DNA, I mean Dark Negro Analysis (again, not in a racist way)


Still spreading the O&A virus
I remember when Obama first became president and everyone was fawning over big Mike and how toned her arms are too.
On O&A they read one of those "Maxim Hottest 100 Women" lists or whatever. And Michael Obama was on the list and everyone was just disgusted. But they knew that they had to watch making ape jokes about her lest management fire them. A few times on the show something like monkeys at the zoo or King Kong would be mentioned, and O&A and Jimmy would allude to the Obama family, but ring the bell instead of doing the entire joke. Because doing nigger and monkey jokes about the Obama family would almost certainly going to get them fired.

You remember during the chimp attack saga that NY Post cartoonist did a joke about the stimulus bill with a monkey being shot by the police? And Jimmy read the joke on air without telling anyone it from the Post, and Anthony almost hit the dump button on him because management didn't want Obama 'nigger' jokes. Stern warned Gilbert not to do certain jokes on the air, one of them being Obama nigger jokes. And during one of Gilbert's appearances someone said 'nigger' and Gilbert said "yeah we have one in the White House" or something like that which was immediately removed from replays.

It's like the Emperor's New Clothes in real life. Everyone knows Michael Obama is a hideous beast. And Obama is a fag. But society is forced to live the lie. Like some public humiliation ritual and mass hypnosis.

Sue Lightning

You remember during the chimp attack saga that NY Post cartoonist did a joke about the stimulus bill with a monkey being shot by the police? And Jimmy read the joke on air without telling anyone it from the Post, and Anthony almost hit the dump button on him because management didn't want Obama 'nigger' jokes.
This went further than you’re describing. Even Anthony was shocked that the cartoon was printed because they all knew what it meant. It wasn’t just that the cartoon was portraying Obama as a monkey, but one who was shot dead…by the cops no less.


I remember this very clearly. They sent Sam out on the street to get blind opinions of what this cartoon represented. Everyone knew it was Obama but wouldn’t say it, thinking it was a trick question and would be asked “Why would you associate OBAMA with a DEAD MONKEY you RACIST??”. Its hard knowing if it was something they wouldn’t say out of fear of getting fired or something they wouldn’t say period. It’s one thing to call Obama a monkey. It’s one thing to call Obama a dead monkey shot by the police.

Sue Lightning

Look dad! I married a Mexican lady!!! Can I be President now like you promised?
It’s amazing how big of a failure Jeb is compared to W. Consider this:

W ran for Governor of Texas, a state he barely lived in, at the same time Jeb was running for Governor of FL, a state he had represented for a while. W’s credentials were being a drop out of the Air Force (a job he was gifted due to his father), a failed oil man (gifted due to his father) and finally owning a baseball team, the first job he wasn’t gifted. Jeb was favored to win Florida already serving a politician position there and having the credibility while W was favored to lose, already losing a political race in Texas for a position much lower……and W won Texas while Jeb lost Florida. (Jeb later ran and won but he lost this time.) It was a major upset and extremely unexpected for the Bush family. The fucking former alcoholic baseball fanatic won over the actual politician. Then you look at their wives. Laura Bush is a white woman school teacher and the polar opposite of W personality wise - the perfect political couple. Meanwhile Jeb is a big lumbering dope with a mexican housemaid for a wife. Then as we all know W won against a sitting Vice President even though he lost the popular vote. And he got a second term despite being pretty unpopular. Jeb couldn’t even make it out of the fucking primaries because he got destroyed by Trump of all people.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
It’s amazing how big of a failure Jeb is compared to W. Consider this:

W ran for Governor of Texas, a state he barely lived in, at the same time Jeb was running for Governor of FL, a state he had represented for a while. W’s credentials were being a drop out of the Air Force (a job he was gifted due to his father), a failed oil man (gifted due to his father) and finally owning a baseball team, the first job he wasn’t gifted. Jeb was favored to win Florida already serving a politician position there and having the credibility while W was favored to lose, already losing a political race in Texas for a position much lower……and W won Texas while Jeb lost Florida. (Jeb later ran and won but he lost this time.) It was a major upset and extremely unexpected for the Bush family. The fucking former alcoholic baseball fanatic won over the actual politician. Then you look at their wives. Laura Bush is a white woman school teacher and the polar opposite of W personality wise - the perfect political couple. Meanwhile Jeb is a big lumbering dope with a mexican housemaid for a wife. Then as we all know W won against a sitting Vice President even though he lost the popular vote. And he got a second term despite being pretty unpopular. Jeb couldn’t even make it out of the fucking primaries because he got destroyed by Trump of all people.
I dont want to contest everything you said but I dont think that the popular vote was a factor in Gore losing, and Trump destroyed everyone in the debates, including Hillary. Even if you HATE the guy on a visceral level, you gotta admit bringing Bill's accusers along for the debates was a great bit
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Sue Lightning

I dont want to contest everything you said but I dont think that the popular vote wasn't a factor in Gore losing,
This is a whole separate thing from Jeb vs W but the popular vote obviously wasn’t a factor in the election because the electorate is the be all end all. But the state came down to Florida, and it came down to counties, and it came down to individual votes. It’s about the fact that even though Gore was a creep fucking weirdo he lost in a close race to a guy who’s only political experience had been being a two term Governor. Even Reagan had more political experience on top of being a charismatic person.
and Trump destroyed everyone in the debates, including Hillary. Even if you HATE the guy on a visceral level, you gotta admit bringing the Bill's accusers along for the debates was a great bit
This can’t be denied but my point was more so about the fact that Jeb, a career politician with a family name and legacy, should have, on its face, been enough to beat a guy with 0 political experience, a thousands scandals, and a loud mouth. But Jeb is such a fucking failure he couldn’t do it. And Rubio or Cruz certainly couldn’t.

This is unrelated but the 2020 debates made me so sad. Trump got washed. Not because Biden is so good but because Trump lost his fucking mind in the last 4 years. Compare how he debated in 2016 to 2020. With Hilary he was swiftly walking around the stage not looking like he gave a fuck, just pulling off witty insults and he’s being a smart ass but he’s smooth. With Biden he’s red faced, gripping the podium, interrupting him with insults and all with 0 charm. You have to be a massive retard to not be able to destroy a senile old man while keeping your composure.


This is a whole separate thing from Jeb vs W but the popular vote obviously wasn’t a factor in the election because the electorate is the be all end all. But the state came down to Florida, and it came down to counties, and it came down to individual votes. It’s about the fact that even though Gore was a creep fucking weirdo he lost in a close race to a guy who’s only political experience had been being a two term Governor. Even Reagan had more political experience on top of being a charismatic person.

This can’t be denied but my point was more so about the fact that Jeb, a career politician with a family name and legacy, should have, on its face, been enough to beat a guy with 0 political experience, a thousands scandals, and a loud mouth. But Jeb is such a fucking failure he couldn’t do it. And Rubio or Cruz certainly couldn’t.

This is unrelated but the 2020 debates made me so sad. Trump got washed. Not because Biden is so good but because Trump lost his fucking mind in the last 4 years. Compare how he debated in 2016 to 2020. With Hilary he was swiftly walking around the stage not looking like he gave a fuck, just pulling off witty insults and he’s being a smart ass but he’s smooth. With Biden he’s red faced, gripping the podium, interrupting him with insults and all with 0 charm. You have to be a massive retard to not be able to destroy a senile old man while keeping your composure.
Trump was on a winning trajectory...until he got "covid" and that pic of him in the white shirt (of surrender) was released.


[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-reveals-he-got-covid-19-booster-shot-to-a-booing-crowd[/URL]


I was only jokin'
The whole "transvestigations"/politician's wives secretly being men thing is a rabbit hole I never really got on board with, but at this point nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. It wouldn't surprise me considering the people that make it to the top all seem to be morally corrupt sexual deviants that are easily blackmailable. If you think these guys are really married to crossdressers, what's the purpose or endgame with that?

The trans shit in general is so bizarre and unnatural, I can't buy the usual "it's all about money" explanation. Something sick is going on on a deeper spiritual level, like these freaks are at war with reality and creation itself. Lot of rich trannies too, like that disgusting Pritzker weirdo who funds the big push for all this stuff and the one that used to own the SiriusXM satellites, "Martine" Rothblatt. I can't help but suspect that that's something demonic happening beneath the culture war spectacle aspect of this.