Did that guy really suck off obama?



1950s coverbook illustration by "people in the know" with the usual vulgar/crass innuendo that tptb relish in


Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan

WWAW other closeted presidents with questionably female wives? This psychotic domestic abuser looks like she could have snapped her faggot husband like a twig (Limey pun intended). Eleanor probably did wheelchair tipping just for fun. Mike and Hillary publicly hate their husbands so much, I'm sure Barry and Bill have had plenty of shit thrown at them. Hillary also used to throw shit at her secret service. A long line of toxic "femininity" among first "ladies."
Now post only the fugliest first ladies. Let's take a vote. I've already mailed in my bogus ballot for Hellanor.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
View attachment 142551

WWAW other closeted presidents with questionably female wives? This psychotic domestic abuser looks like she could have snapped her faggot husband like a twig (Limey pun intended). Eleanor probably did wheelchair tipping just for fun. Mike and Hillary publicly hate their husbands so much, I'm sure Barry and Bill have had plenty of shit thrown at them. Hillary also used to throw shit at her secret service. A long line of toxic "femininity" among first "ladies."
Now post only the fugliest first ladies. Let's take a vote. I've already mailed in my bogus ballot for Hellanor.
Abraham Lincoln is one of the ugliest people of all time.. he was lucky to pull this.


crumbly feta enjoyer
I remember when Obama first became president and everyone was fawning over big Mike and how toned her arms are too. My very smart and a bit woke friend mentioned how hot she was. I always thought she looked like a chimp, and not in a racist way, the bitch has chimp face like Ant's wife
We talked about this before about who was the hottest first lady and I said Jackie Kennedy and one of you funsters corrected the record with a pic and convinced she was pretty dog shit
She's still one of the better ones and I can't vote Melania because she looks like Bruce Jenner

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
Abraham Lincoln is one of the ugliest people of all time.. he was lucky to pull this.
Maybe lucky to pull someone that looks mostly human, but "her" mind definitely wasn't human. Unless he was a masochist, I don't think he liked having the shit beat out of him on a nightly basis. I wish he had pulled a burning bed on her before he got offed first.

Sue Lightning

View attachment 142551

WWAW other closeted presidents with questionably female wives? This psychotic domestic abuser looks like she could have snapped her faggot husband like a twig (Limey pun intended). Eleanor probably did wheelchair tipping just for fun. Mike and Hillary publicly hate their husbands so much, I'm sure Barry and Bill have had plenty of shit thrown at them. Hillary also used to throw shit at her secret service. A long line of toxic "femininity" among first "ladies."
Now post only the fugliest first ladies. Let's take a vote. I've already mailed in my bogus ballot for Hellanor.
Lincoln was rumored to be gay but of all the suspected fags I don’t buy it. Other “gay” politicians wrote letters that historians go “you don’t understand! context and language were different back then!” but the words scream nothing but “FAGGOT”. No man writes to another man saying “I love you so fucking much i want to die when youre away i wish we could get married and fuck i could never find a woman and if i did she’d have to put up with the fact that i’ll never fuck her. Oh well. I guess i’ll have to woo a man.” But when I looked into the Lincoln letters it does seem like retconning / misunderstanding of language and male relationships at the time.

Sue Lightning

Most Presidents were all fucking losers. Washington was a cuck who raised another mans children and never had his own. Jefferson was a neurotic fag visiting dignitaries in his slippers while impregnating negress slaves. We had 2 Presidents die due to drinking the contaminated DC well water. Buchannan was a faggot. Lincoln was an extremely moody and depressed negro lover. Rutherford B Hayes raped a lesbian. Wait sorry wrong guy. Woodrow Wilson had a stroke with 2 years left in his term and his wife literally ran the office. Warren G Harding was fucking underage women in the closets at the WH and impregnated one of them. FDR was a crippled cuck. Kennedy was a pill popping junkie sex addict. Nixon was a complete aspie. Reagan had pudding brain for half of his Presidency. Clinton was a pedophile sex pest. W Bush was a fucking loser who got his seat due to nepotism and he almost died choking on a fucking pretzel. Obama sucks cock. Trump is Trump. And Biden has had pudding brain his whole life.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
WWAW other closeted presidents with questionably female wives? This psychotic domestic abuser looks like she could have snapped her faggot husband like a twig (Limey pun intended). Eleanor probably did wheelchair tipping just for fun. Mike and Hillary publicly hate their husbands so much, I'm sure Barry and Bill have had plenty of shit thrown at them. Hillary also used to throw shit at her secret service. A long line of toxic "femininity" among first "ladies."
Now post only the fugliest first ladies. Let's take a vote. I've already mailed in my bogus ballot for Hellanor.
Damn, that bitch had a face of a 50 y/o Lady Di at the age of what I assume is her late teens.

No no no, I'm not a fag-hag
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