Did Pat steal his "never interact with women at all" opinion from renowned faggot Jef Founer?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Looking up our new friend, that rascally dad who just loves to sexualize his daughter, I came across this article. Didn't Pat express this same sentiment in a tweet not long ago? Did he steal it from Pedo Dad? Or is this further proof of the hive mind? Bonus Jef content will be posted in the replies. I like this guy. The Fat Pack needed a new character.




Jeffrey Rouner and his revolting wife Lynda K Rouner used IVF to make a kid so they could use it for Twitter likes and media attention (and so Jeff could fuck it. )
“Techniques involving only the married couple (homologous artificial insemination and fertilization) are perhaps less reprehensible, yet remain morally unacceptable. They dissociate the sexual act from the procreative act. The act which brings the child into existence is no longer an act by which two persons give themselves to one another, but one that entrusts the life and identity of the embryo into the power of doctors and biologists and establishes the domination of technology over the origin and destiny of the human person. Such a relationship of domination is in itself contrary to the dignity and equality that must be common to parents and children.”

-Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 2377)

I know we’re usually just joshin’ around here, but let’s please take a moment to offer a prayer for Jef’s misbegotten test tube baby. Her sheer existence may be a sin against nature, but through Christ all may be made whole.
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Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
"Do not approach women at the gym or laundromat" God, he is retarded. If you can strike up a conversation with a guy anywhere, why can't you do it with a girl? "Approaching" doesn't necessarily mean hitting on them.

He's fat.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
"Do not approach women at the gym or laundromat" God, he is retarded. If you can strike up a conversation with a guy anywhere, why can't you do it with a girl? "Approaching" doesn't necessarily mean hitting on them.

He's fat.
Fat losers like these cunts hate men who can talk to women they've never met before in real life. They want everyone to be stuck online trying to trick women into believing they’re something they’re not (“Whelp, I’m a successful author with three books in print who runs marathons and I’m training for a triathlon, child. I have a fleet of mustangs actually.”) because that’s their only chance of getting anywhere.


Ask me about my cock size
This nigga never heard of the fact that while people are doing chores, they can also engage in a kind of social serendipity.

Bro: There are a MILLION fucking stories about married couples meeting in fucking bookstores or even Central Park. It happens when it happens. It's fucking gay and totalitarian to think that it should only ever happen in pre-designated areas, with 100% percent verbal and visual consent. That's not how life works, you fucking fat, pedophile-enabling faggot.
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Fat losers like these cunts hate men who can talk to women they've never met before in real life. They want everyone to be stuck online trying to trick women into believing they’re something they’re not (“Whelp, I’m a successful author with three books in print who runs marathons and I’m training for a triathlon, child. I have a fleet of mustangs actually.”) because that’s their only chance of getting anywhere.
Not for nothing in my youth I liked to be alone occasionally so I could lie my balls off to chicks in bars. I essentially did the internet level lying in person before they had a google to check lol.