Did coke for the first time last night


yep yep yep yep yep
Coke fuckin rules when you are young enough to deal with the hangover. Best advice about doing coke I ever got was just to do little bumps off the end of a key. It’s really all you need. Makes it last way longer to.


This forum saved my life!
I only do it when i have benzos for the comedown. The more you do it the worse the comedowns become until they really outweigh the fun. I remember after a 2 day binge just lying on my bed with restless legs, unable to sleep, deep depression and just listening to game of thrones on audiobook, was not a good time.


This forum saved my life!
Coke fuckin rules when you are young enough to deal with the hangover. Best advice about doing coke I ever got was just to do little bumps off the end of a key. It’s really all you need. Makes it last way longer to.
Doing less coke makes it last longer, well fuck me you are a genius. Why did I not think of that?


I used to have the best connect who'd come drop it off anytime always good, always fair price. Had to delete his number because it was turning into an every weekend thing and I saw some friends go too far w it.

Today if im out having a good time and someone offers a bump or two it's the best. Alot of times I'm shitting my brains out next day cause it's usually shit but I can be a shy faggot, and on coke I'll actually talk to people.

I don't think we really do cochise in the USA in Europe though. I've been to South America and it's totally different, way better. By the time it gets here it has so much bullshit in it who knows what it is.

I have one friend who has a testing kit, i judged him when he got it but if your gonna do it once a month these days it's a smart investment.
"Uh-oh, I did too much blow. If I live through this I'll never do coke again."

"Uh-oh, I did too much blow. If I live through this I won't do any more coke tonight."

"Uh-oh, I did too much blow. If I live through this I won't do any more coke for an hour."

"Uh-oh, I need more coke."
It seems like doctors don't like to prescribe that medication. Did you just ask your doctor for it specifically? I wanna be more productive at work.
in UK there's no chance with the free healthcare but you can pay to see a 'private doctor' & walk away with a prescription speedball


Go work. Get Sandwiches
I remember my first time. 18, NYE night and I was working in a pub. After the doors was shut. Got a nice "first" line and.... we carried on. I was live till 2pm next day. My mate took care of me. And also it was good gear. My jaw though:
