Dictator Pat


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
He’s just so bored all the time. Like ya he’s crazy and an asshole etc, but more than anything he has absolutely nothing to fill his days. He doesn’t even waste away the days playing video games or watching YouTube or something…just social media and booze all day every day.

This is his 40's without any children. Next up his the Hildy stage, in his 50's joining freethinkers clubs and perving on children.


Stand Alone Fruit
Oh yeah, he’s shit faced - he’ll be passing out shortly for a few hours


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
He’s just so bored all the time. Like ya he’s crazy and an asshole etc, but more than anything he has absolutely nothing to fill his days. He doesn’t even waste away the days playing video games or watching YouTube or something…just social media and booze all day every day.
Well we know he's not wasting the day away paying his taxes either


Stand Alone Fruit
So what Patrick is saying here is “Actually Biden WOULD abuse the power!” which is a great argument when your point is “Democrats are holier than Republicans and wouldn’t abuse their powers.”

I’m saying it again, thank fucking god Patrick is not in a position of power. He obviously does not understand what makes America function and last as long as it has. That “They go low we go high” shit is corny but it works. Give someone like Pat power and he’ll abuse it because “The other side did this!” not recognizing he can END that cycle.

And anyway that “Democrats are holier than thou” bullshit is…BULLSHIT. Oh nooo look at these crimes Nixon did which he resigned for because he almost faced removal! Please ignore Bill Clintons sexual abuses which he lied through his teeth on, didn’t resign for, and basically told the country to fuck itself because he’s getting away with it.
He’s making Biden sound like Captain America while he’s a weak old confused man that spent a career in politics being a joke.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
So what Patrick is saying here is “Actually Biden WOULD abuse the power!” which is a great argument when your point is “Democrats are holier than Republicans and wouldn’t abuse their powers.”

I’m saying it again, thank fucking god Patrick is not in a position of power. He obviously does not understand what makes America function and last as long as it has. That “They go low we go high” shit is corny but it works. Give someone like Pat power and he’ll abuse it because “The other side did this!” not recognizing he can END that cycle.

And anyway that “Democrats are holier than thou” bullshit is…BULLSHIT. Oh nooo look at these crimes Nixon did which he resigned for because he almost faced removal! Please ignore Bill Clintons sexual abuses which he lied through his teeth on, didn’t resign for, and basically told the country to fuck itself because he’s getting away with it.
He has lived his whole life being helpless and bullied. So now he spites everything that doesnt align with what he wants. He really is a tantrum throwing manbaby. The amazing part is just how committed he is to being that. Filing multiple lawsuits because he cant get his way the letting interest accrue and even flaking on a signed contract to his own hired help to resolve his debt. He trolls himself at this point.

T. Booth Willy

Caged heat
Hey Pat…do you mean DEPORTATION? Extradition would be if Russia gave a criminal to us. Holy fuck he’s stupid.

Actually that entire last tweet makes no sense and he was typing it in an oinking froth.

Theres no way you could rewrite this to make sense. What is “On pain of rendition to Guantanamo”. What does that mean. Rendition makes sense in the context but i would just say “incarceration at Guantanamo”. Seriously though…what the fuck does “On pain of rendition” mean?

Then he tops it off with “Fuckong”.

Professional author.
He probably meant to say exiled, but he decides what words mean so extradition it is