Defendant/Debtor Tomlinson mocks Null's legal woes

The "@LibsofTikTok" account posted one of the videos from the "@xJosh" account ( featuring one of the worst degenerate trannies discussed on KiwiFarms and that's what most likely caused this latest suspension. The trannies mass reported the "@xJosh" account again.

Of course Fatso and the obese street shitter are so narcissistic they think it's about them and that FBI search from 2022, so they are again taking credit for something that has nothing to do with them.



Black Pat

Whacky nigster
I remember listening to a podcast where one of the people involved once had a pretty active thread on Kiwifarms at one point and he said almost immediately after the thread went up he started to get SWATed. He went to the local police station and explained the situation, gave them his cellphone number and they never turned up at his property again just called and said “is everything okay? It is? Good. Have a nice day” after a while his thread lost traction and the SWATing stopped. Maybe it isn’t a policy on Kiwifarms but there is a massive amount of traffic on that site and most of their lolcows get SWATed. You’re not special, Pat.
Did he go on multiple media tours and pay Lenora Claire to book appearances on podcasts where he advertised not any of his work but his trolling?