David Simon has a new show coming out


I was there only once, in 2001. The whole harbor thing was OK during the day but there was no fucking way I was walking around that city at night. We were staying at what was probably Baltimore's nicest hotel at the time, and right by the front door there were packs of gang nogs, all wearing red, just sitting there hanging out, eyeballing the guests. And this was the tourist area, obviously, imagine what the rest of that city is like.
In fairness, they're the lions waiting around the watering hole. The whole city isn't quite like that. Like most cities,the violence is concentrated among people involved in shit already.


Powdered Toast Man
David Simon is like a 70-year-old version of Patrick Tomlinson on Twitter and “The Plot Against America” was unwatchable joo garbage. Still I’d say this show has a decent shot of being good with George Pelecanos helping to steer the ship, but deep down he has to know his woketard writing partner and his “hot takes” on the gay news cycle are a serious liability creatively speaking.

I’ve been a fan of David Judah Benjamin Jacob Deuteronomy Simon since Homicide and The Corner but it’s always goy writers who bail him out every time. He fucking stinks and I don’t like him.